2016-06-08 22:53:41 +03:00

184 lines
6.2 KiB

import contact
from messages import *
from history import *
import util
class Friend(contact.Contact):
Friend in list of friends. Can be hidden, properties 'has unread messages' and 'has alias' added
def __init__(self, message_getter, number, *args):
:param message_getter: gets messages from db
:param number: number of friend.
super(Friend, self).__init__(*args)
self._number = number
self._new_messages = False
self._visible = True
self._alias = False
self._message_getter = message_getter
self._corr = []
self._unsaved_messages = 0
self._history_loaded = False
self._receipts = 0
def __del__(self):
del self._widget
if hasattr(self, '_message_getter'):
del self._message_getter
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# History support
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_receipts(self):
return self._receipts
receipts = property(get_receipts)
def inc_receipts(self):
self._receipts += 1
def dec_receipt(self):
if self._receipts:
self._receipts -= 1
def load_corr(self, first_time=True):
:param first_time: friend became active, load first part of messages
if (first_time and self._history_loaded) or (not hasattr(self, '_message_getter')):
data = self._message_getter.get(PAGE_SIZE)
if data is not None and len(data):
data = map(lambda tupl: TextMessage(*tupl), data)
self._corr = data + self._corr
self._history_loaded = True
def get_corr_for_saving(self):
Get data to save in db
:return: list of unsaved messages or []
if hasattr(self, '_message_getter'):
del self._message_getter
messages = filter(lambda x: x.get_type() <= 1, self._corr)
return map(lambda x: x.get_data(), messages[-self._unsaved_messages:]) if self._unsaved_messages else []
def get_corr(self):
return self._corr[:]
def append_message(self, message):
:param message: text or file transfer message
if message.get_type() <= 1:
self._unsaved_messages += 1
def get_last_message_text(self):
messages = filter(lambda x: x.get_type() <= 1 and x.get_owner() != MESSAGE_OWNER['FRIEND'], self._corr)
if messages:
return messages[-1].get_data()[0]
return ''
def unsent_messages(self):
:return list of unsent messages
messages = filter(lambda x: x.get_owner() == MESSAGE_OWNER['NOT_SENT'], self._corr)
return messages
def mark_as_sent(self):
message = filter(lambda x: x.get_owner() == MESSAGE_OWNER['NOT_SENT'], self._corr)[0]
except Exception as ex:
util.log('Mark as sent ex: ' + str(ex))
def clear_corr(self):
Clear messages list
if hasattr(self, '_message_getter'):
del self._message_getter
# don't delete data about active file transfer
self._corr = filter(lambda x: x.get_type() in (2, 3) and x.get_status() >= 2, self._corr)
self._unsaved_messages = 0
def update_transfer_data(self, file_number, status, inline=None):
Update status of active transfer and load inline if needed
tr = filter(lambda x: x.get_type() == MESSAGE_TYPE['FILE_TRANSFER'] and x.is_active(file_number),
if inline: # inline was loaded
i = self._corr.index(tr)
self._corr.insert(i, inline)
return i - len(self._corr)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Alias support
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def set_name(self, value):
Set new name or ignore if alias exists
:param value: new name
if not self._alias:
super(Friend, self).set_name(value)
def set_alias(self, alias):
self._alias = bool(alias)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Visibility in friends' list
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_visibility(self):
return self._visible
def set_visibility(self, value):
self._visible = value
visibility = property(get_visibility, set_visibility)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Unread messages from friend
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_messages(self):
return self._new_messages
def set_messages(self, value):
self._widget.connection_status.messages = self._new_messages = value
messages = property(get_messages, set_messages)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Friend's number (can be used in toxcore)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_number(self):
return self._number
def set_number(self, value):
self._number = value
number = property(get_number, set_number)