# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*- import getpass import os import re import select import shutil import socket import sys import time from typing import Union, Callable, Union if False: import cepa as stem from cepa.connection import MissingPassword from cepa.control import Controller from cepa.util.tor_tools import is_valid_fingerprint else: import stem from stem.connection import MissingPassword from stem.control import Controller from stem.util.tor_tools import is_valid_fingerprint global LOG import logging import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') LOG = logging.getLogger() bHAVE_TORR = shutil.which('tor-resolve') yKNOWN_ONIONS = """ - facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd # facebook - duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad # ddg - zkaan2xfbuxia2wpf7ofnkbz6r5zdbbvxbunvp5g2iebopbfc4iqmbad # hks """ # grep -B 1 '
  • bool: # FixMe: Linux only sFile = f"/proc/{os.getpid()}/net/route" if not os.path.isfile(sFile): return None i = 0 for elt in open(sFile, "r").readlines(): if elt.startswith('Iface'): continue if elt.startswith('lo'): continue i += 1 return i > 0 def sMapaddressResolv(target:str, iPort:int = 9051, log_leve:int = 10) -> str: if not stem: LOG.warn('please install the stem Python package') return '' try: controller = oGetStemController(log_level=log_level) map_dict = {"": target} map_ret = controller.map_address(map_dict) return map_ret except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return '' def vwait_for_controller(controller, wait_boot:int = 10) -> None: if bAreWeConnected() is False: raise SystemExit("we are not connected") percent = i = 0 # You can call this while boostrapping while percent < 100 and i < wait_boot: bootstrap_status = controller.get_info("status/bootstrap-phase") progress_percent = re.match('.* PROGRESS=([0-9]+).*', bootstrap_status) percent = int(progress_percent.group(1)) LOG.info(f"Bootstrapping {percent}%") time.sleep(5) i += 5 def bin_to_hex(raw_id:int, length: Union[int, None] = None) -> str: if length is None: length = len(raw_id) res = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(raw_id[i]) for i in range(length)) return res.upper() def lIntroductionPoints(controller=None, lOnions:list = [], itimeout:int = 120, log_level:int = 10): """now working !!! stem 1.8.x timeout must be huge >120 'Provides the descriptor for a hidden service. The **address** is the '.onion' address of the hidden service ' What about Services? """ try: from cryptography.utils import int_from_bytes except ImportError: import cryptography.utils # guessing - not in the current cryptography but stem expects it def int_from_bytes(**args): return int.to_bytes(*args) cryptography.utils.int_from_bytes = int_from_bytes # this will fai if the trick above didnt work from stem.prereq import is_crypto_available is_crypto_available(ed25519=True) from queue import Empty from stem import Timeout from stem.client.datatype import LinkByFingerprint from stem.descriptor.hidden_service import HiddenServiceDescriptorV3 if type(lOnions) not in [set, tuple, list]: lOnions = list(lOnions) if controller is None: controller = oGetStemController(log_level=log_level) l = [] for elt in lOnions: LOG.info(f"controller.get_hidden_service_descriptor {elt}") try: desc = controller.get_hidden_service_descriptor(elt, await_result=True, timeout=itimeout) # LOG.log(40, f"{dir(desc)} get_hidden_service_descriptor") # timeouts 20 sec # mistakenly a HSv2 descriptor hs_address = HiddenServiceDescriptorV3.from_str(str(desc)) # reparse as HSv3 oInnerLayer = hs_address.decrypt(elt) # LOG.log(40, f"{dir(oInnerLayer)}") # IntroductionPointV3 n = oInnerLayer.introduction_points if not n: LOG.warn(f"NO introduction points for {elt}") continue LOG.info(f"{elt} {len(n)} introduction points") lp = [] for introduction_point in n: for linkspecifier in introduction_point.link_specifiers: if isinstance(linkspecifier, LinkByFingerprint): # LOG.log(40, f"Getting fingerprint for {linkspecifier}") if hasattr(linkspecifier, 'fingerprint'): assert len(linkspecifier.value) == 20 lp += [bin_to_hex(linkspecifier.value)] LOG.info(f"{len(lp)} introduction points for {elt}") l += lp except (Empty, Timeout,) as e: # noqa LOG.warn(f"Timed out getting introduction points for {elt}") except stem.DescriptorUnavailable as e: LOG.error(e) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return l def zResolveDomain(domain:str) -> int: try: ip = sTorResolve(domain) except Exception as e: # noqa ip = '' if ip == '': try: lpair = getaddrinfo(domain, 443) except Exception as e: LOG.warn(f"{e}") lpair = None if lpair is None: LOG.warn(f"TorResolv and getaddrinfo failed for {domain}") return '' ip = lpair[0] return ip def sTorResolve(target:str, verbose:bool = False, sHost:str = '', iPort:int = 9050, SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS:float = 10.0, SOCK_TIMEOUT_TRIES:int = 3, ) -> str: MAX_INFO_RESPONSE_PACKET_LENGTH = 8 if '@' in target: LOG.warn(f"sTorResolve failed invalid hostname {target}") return '' target = target.strip('/') seb = b"\x04\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00" seb += bytes(target, 'US-ASCII') + b"\x00" assert len(seb) == 10 + len(target), str(len(seb)) + repr(seb) # LOG.debug(f"0 Sending {len(seb)} to The TOR proxy {seb}") sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((sHost, iPort)) sock.settimeout(SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) oRet = sock.sendall(seb) # noqa i = 0 data = '' while i < SOCK_TIMEOUT_TRIES: i += 1 time.sleep(3) lReady = select.select([sock.fileno()], [], [], SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) if not lReady[0]: continue try: flags=socket.MSG_WAITALL data = sock.recv(MAX_INFO_RESPONSE_PACKET_LENGTH, flags) except socket.timeout: LOG.warn(f"4 The TOR proxy {(sHost, iPort)}" \ +" didnt reply in " + str(SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) + " sec." +" #" +str(i)) except Exception as e: LOG.error("4 The TOR proxy " \ +repr((sHost, iPort)) \ +" errored with " + str(e) +" #" +str(i)) sock.close() return '' else: if len(data) > 0: break if len(data) == 0: if i > SOCK_TIMEOUT_TRIES: sLabel = "5 No reply #" else: sLabel = "5 No data #" LOG.warn(f"sTorResolve: {sLabel} {i} on {sHost}:{iPort}") sock.close() return '' assert len(data) >= 8 packet_sf = data[1] if packet_sf == 90: # , "%d" % packet_sf assert f"{packet_sf}" == "90", f"packet_sf = {packet_sf}" return f"{data[4]}.{data[5]}.{data[6]}.{data[7]}" else: # 91 LOG.warn(f"tor-resolve failed for {target} on {sHost}:{iPort}") os.system(f"tor-resolve -4 {target} > /tmp/e 2>/dev/null") # os.system("strace tor-resolve -4 "+target+" 2>&1|grep '^sen\|^rec'") return '' def getaddrinfo(sHost:str, sPort:str) -> list: # do this the explicit way = Ive seen the compact connect fail # >>> sHost, sPort = 'l27.0.0.1', 33446 # >>> sock.connect((sHost, sPort)) # socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known try: lElts = socket.getaddrinfo(sHost, int(sPort), socket.AF_INET) lElts = list(filter(lambda elt: elt[1] == socket.SOCK_DGRAM, lElts)) assert len(lElts) == 1, repr(lElts) lPair = lElts[0][-1] assert len(lPair) == 2, repr(lPair) assert type(lPair[1]) == int, repr(lPair) except (socket.gaierror, OSError, BaseException) as e: LOG.error(e) return None return lPair def icheck_torrc(sFile:str, oArgs) -> int: l = open(sFile, 'rt').readlines() a = {} for elt in l: elt = elt.strip() if not elt or ' ' not in elt: continue (k, v,) = elt.split(' ', 1) a[k] = v keys = a if 'HashedControlPassword' not in keys: LOG.info('Add HashedControlPassword for security') print('run: tor --hashcontrolpassword ') if 'ExcludeExitNodes' in keys: elt = 'BadNodes.ExcludeExitNodes.BadExit' LOG.warn(f"Remove ExcludeNodes and move then to {oArgs.bad_nodes}") print(f"move to the {elt} section as a list") if 'GuardNodes' in keys: elt = 'GoodNodes.GuardNodes' LOG.warn(f"Remove GuardNodes and move then to {oArgs.good_nodes}") print(f"move to the {elt} section as a list") if 'ExcludeNodes' in keys: elt = 'BadNodes.ExcludeNodes.BadExit' LOG.warn(f"Remove ExcludeNodes and move then to {oArgs.bad_nodes}") print(f"move to the {elt} section as a list") if 'ControlSocket' not in keys and os.path.exists('/run/tor/control'): LOG.info('Add ControlSocket /run/tor/control for us') print('ControlSocket /run/tor/control GroupWritable RelaxDirModeCheck') if 'UseMicrodescriptors' not in keys or keys['UseMicrodescriptors'] != '1': LOG.info('Add UseMicrodescriptors 0 for us') print('UseMicrodescriptors 0') if 'AutomapHostsSuffixes' not in keys: LOG.info('Add AutomapHostsSuffixes for onions') print('AutomapHostsSuffixes .exit,.onion') if 'AutoMapHostsOnResolve' not in keys: LOG.info('Add AutoMapHostsOnResolve for onions') print('AutoMapHostsOnResolve 1') if 'VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4' not in keys: LOG.info('Add VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4 for onions') print('VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4') return 0 def lExitExcluder(oArgs, iPort:int = 9051, log_level:int = 10) -> list: """ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nusenu/noContactInfo_Exit_Excluder/main/exclude_noContactInfo_Exits.py """ if not stem: LOG.warn('please install the stem Python package') return '' LOG.debug('lExcludeExitNodes') try: controller = oGetStemController(log_level=log_level) # generator relays = controller.get_server_descriptors() except Exception as e: LOG.error(f'Failed to get relay descriptors {e}') return None if controller.is_set('ExcludeExitNodes'): LOG.info('ExcludeExitNodes is in use already.') return None exit_excludelist=[] LOG.debug("Excluded exit relays:") for relay in relays: if relay.exit_policy.is_exiting_allowed() and not relay.contact: if is_valid_fingerprint(relay.fingerprint): exit_excludelist.append(relay.fingerprint) LOG.debug("https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/%s" % relay.fingerprint) else: LOG.warn('Invalid Fingerprint: %s' % relay.fingerprint) try: controller.set_conf('ExcludeExitNodes', exit_excludelist) LOG.info('Excluded a total of %s exit relays without ContactInfo from the exit position.' % len(exit_excludelist)) except Exception as e: LOG.exception('ExcludeExitNodes ' +str(e)) return exit_excludelist if __name__ == '__main__': target = 'duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad' controller = oGetStemController(log_level=10) lIntroductionPoints(controller, [target], itimeout=120)