# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import argparse import re import logging import shutil import json from ctypes import * import time, contextlib import unittest from random import Random random = Random() from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication try: import coloredlogs if 'COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES' not in os.environ: os.environ['COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES'] = 'spam=22;debug=28;verbose=34;notice=220;warning=202;success=118,bold;error=124;critical=background=red' # https://pypi.org/project/coloredlogs/ except ImportError as e: coloredlogs = False import wrapper from wrapper.toxcore_enums_and_consts import TOX_CONNECTION, TOX_USER_STATUS try: from user_data.settings import get_user_config_path except ImportError: get_user_config_path = None from wrapper_tests.support_http import pick_up_proxy_from_environ, download_url, bAreWeConnected # LOG=util.log global LOG LOG = logging.getLogger('app.'+'ts') def LOG_ERROR(l): print('ERRORc: '+l) def LOG_WARN(l): print('WARNc: ' +l) def LOG_INFO(l): print('INFOc: ' +l) def LOG_DEBUG(l): print('DEBUGc: '+l) def LOG_TRACE(l): pass # print('TRACE+ '+l) try: from trepan.interfaces import server as Mserver from trepan.api import debug except: print('trepan3 TCP server NOT available.') else: print('trepan3 TCP server available.') def trepan_handler(num=None, f=None): connection_opts={'IO': 'TCP', 'PORT': 6666} intf = Mserver.ServerInterface(connection_opts=connection_opts) dbg_opts = { 'interface': intf } print('Starting TCP server listening on port 6666.') debug(dbg_opts=dbg_opts) return # self._audio_thread.isAlive iTHREAD_TIMEOUT = 1 iTHREAD_SLEEP = 1 iTHREAD_JOINS = 5 lToxSamplerates = [8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 48000] lToxSampleratesK = [8, 12, 16, 24, 48] lBOOLEANS = [ 'local_discovery_enabled', 'udp_enabled', 'ipv6_enabled', 'compact_mode', 'allow_inline', 'notifications', 'sound_notifications', 'calls_sound', 'hole_punching_enabled', 'dht_announcements_enabled', 'save_history', 'download_nodes_list' 'core_logging', ] sDIR = os.environ.get('TMPDIR', '/tmp') sTOX_VERSION = "1000002018" bHAVE_NMAP = shutil.which('nmap') bHAVE_JQ = shutil.which('jq') bHAVE_BASH = shutil.which('bash') def assert_main_thread(): # this "instance" method is very useful! app_thread = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance().thread() curr_thread = QtCore.QThread.currentThread() if app_thread != curr_thread: raise RuntimeError('attempt to call MainWindow.append_message from non-app thread') @contextlib.contextmanager def ignoreStdout(): devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY) old_stdout = os.dup(1) sys.stdout.flush() os.dup2(devnull, 1) os.close(devnull) try: yield finally: os.dup2(old_stdout, 1) os.close(old_stdout) @contextlib.contextmanager def ignoreStderr(): devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY) old_stderr = os.dup(2) sys.stderr.flush() os.dup2(devnull, 2) os.close(devnull) try: yield finally: os.dup2(old_stderr, 2) os.close(old_stderr) with ignoreStderr(): import pyaudio oPyA = pyaudio.PyAudio() def on_log(iTox, level, filename, line, func, message, *data): # LOG.debug(repr((level, filename, line, func, message,))) tox_log_cb(level, filename, line, func, message) def tox_log_cb(level, filename, line, func, message, *args): """ * @param level The severity of the log message. * @param filename The source file from which the message originated. * @param line The source line from which the message originated. * @param func The function from which the message originated. * @param message The log message. * @param user_data The user data pointer passed to tox_new in options. """ if type(func) == bytes: func = str(func, 'utf-8') message = str(message, 'UTF-8') filename = str(filename, 'UTF-8') if filename == 'network.c': if line == 660: return # root WARNING 3network.c#944:b'send_packet'attempted to send message with network family 10 (probably IPv6) on IPv4 socket if line == 944: return i = message.find('07 = GET_NODES') if i > 0: return if filename == 'TCP_common.c': return i = message.find(' | ') if i > 0: message = message[:i] # message = filename +'#' +str(line) +':'+func +' '+message name = 'core' # old level is meaningless level = 10 # LOG.level # LOG._log(LOG.level, f"{level}: {message}", list()) i = message.find('(0: OK)') if i > 0: level = 10 # LOG.debug else: i = message.find('(1: ') if i > 0: level = 30 # LOG.warn else: level = 20 # LOG.info o = LOG.makeRecord(filename, level, func, line, message, list(), None) # LOG.handle(o) LOG_TRACE(f"{level}: {func}{line} {message}") return elif level == 1: LOG.critical(f"{level}: {message}") elif level == 2: LOG.error(f"{level}: {message}") elif level == 3: LOG.warn(f"{level}: {message}") elif level == 4: LOG.info(f"{level}: {message}") elif level == 5: LOG.debug(f"{level}: {message}") else: LOG_TRACE(f"{level}: {message}") def vAddLoggerCallback(tox_options, callback=None): if callback is None: wrapper.tox.Tox.libtoxcore.tox_options_set_log_callback( tox_options._options_pointer, POINTER(None)()) tox_options.self_logger_cb = None return c_callback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_void_p) tox_options.self_logger_cb = c_callback(callback) wrapper.tox.Tox.libtoxcore.tox_options_set_log_callback( tox_options._options_pointer, tox_options.self_logger_cb) def get_video_indexes(): # Linux return [str(l[5:]) for l in os.listdir('/dev/') if l.startswith('video')] def get_audio(): input_devices = output_devices = 0 for i in range(oPyA.get_device_count()): device = oPyA.get_device_info_by_index(i) if device["maxInputChannels"]: input_devices += 1 if device["maxOutputChannels"]: output_devices += 1 # {'index': 21, 'structVersion': 2, 'name': 'default', 'hostApi': 0, 'maxInputChannels': 64, 'maxOutputChannels': 64, 'defaultLowInputLatency': 0.008707482993197279, 'defaultLowOutputLatency': 0.008707482993197279, 'defaultHighInputLatency': 0.034829931972789115, 'defaultHighOutputLatency': 0.034829931972789115, 'defaultSampleRate': 44100.0} audio = {'input': oPyA.get_default_input_device_info()['index'] if input_devices else -1, 'output': oPyA.get_default_output_device_info()['index'] if output_devices else -1, 'enabled': input_devices and output_devices} return audio def oMainArgparser(_=None): if not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'): bIpV6 = 'False' else: bIpV6 = 'True' lIpV6Choices=[bIpV6, 'False'] # need: # 'audio_input': oPyA.get_default_input_device_info()['index'] # 'audio_output': oPyA.get_default_output_device_info()['index'] audio = get_audio() # unfinished logfile = os.path.join(os.environ.get('TMPDIR', '/tmp'), 'tests_toxygen.log') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--proxy_host', '--proxy-host', type=str, default='', help='proxy host') parser.add_argument('--proxy_port', '--proxy-port', default=0, type=int, help='proxy port') parser.add_argument('--proxy_type', '--proxy-type', default=0, type=int, choices=[0,1,2], help='proxy type 1=http, 2=socks') parser.add_argument('--udp_enabled', type=str, default='True', choices=['True', 'False'], help='En/Disable udp') parser.add_argument('--ipv6_enabled', type=str, default=bIpV6, choices=lIpV6Choices, help=f"En/Disable ipv6 - default {bIpV6}") parser.add_argument('--download_nodes_list', type=str, default='False', choices=['True', 'False'], help='Download nodes list') parser.add_argument('--nodes_json', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--network', type=str, choices=['old', 'new', 'local', 'newlocal'], default='new') parser.add_argument('--download_nodes_url', type=str, default='https://nodes.tox.chat/json') parser.add_argument('--logfile', default=logfile, help='Filename for logging') parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default=logging.INFO, type=int, # choices=[logging.info,logging.trace,logging.debug,logging.error] help='Threshold for logging (lower is more) default: 20') parser.add_argument('--tcp_port', '--tcp-port', default=0, type=int, help='tcp port') parser.add_argument('--mode', type=int, default=2, help='Mode: 0=chat 1=chat+audio 2=chat+audio+video default: 0') parser.add_argument('--sleep', type=str, default='time', # could expand this to tk, gtk, gevent... choices=['qt','gevent','time'], help='Sleep method - one of qt, gevent , time') return parser def vOargsToxPreamble(oArgs, Tox, ToxTest): kwargs = dict(level=oArgs.loglevel, format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s') if oArgs.logfile: kwargs['filename'] = oArgs.logfile logging.basicConfig(**kwargs) methods = set([x for x in dir(Tox) if not x[0].isupper() and not x[0] == '_']) docs = "".join([getattr(ToxTest, x).__doc__ for x in dir(ToxTest) if getattr(ToxTest, x).__doc__ is not None]) tested = set(re.findall(r't:(.*?)\n', docs)) not_tested = methods.difference(tested) logging.info('Test Coverage: %.2f%%' % (len(tested) * 100.0 / len(methods))) if len(not_tested): logging.info('Not tested:\n %s' % "\n ".join(sorted(list(not_tested)))) def signal_handler(num, f): from trepan.interfaces import server as Mserver from trepan.api import debug connection_opts={'IO': 'TCP', 'PORT': 6666} intf = Mserver.ServerInterface(connection_opts=connection_opts) dbg_opts = {'interface': intf} LOG.info('Starting TCP server listening on port 6666.') debug(dbg_opts=dbg_opts) return def merge_args_into_settings(args, settings): from user_data.settings import clean_settings if args: for key in settings.keys(): # proxy_type proxy_port proxy_host not_key = 'not_' +key if hasattr(args, key): val = getattr(args, key) if type(val) == bytes: # proxy_host - ascii? # filenames - ascii? val = str(val, 'UTF-8') settings[key] = val elif hasattr(args, not_key): val = not getattr(args, not_key) settings[key] = val clean_settings(settings) return def lSdSamplerates(iDev): try: import sounddevice as sd except ImportError: return [] samplerates = (32000, 44100, 48000, 96000, ) device = iDev supported_samplerates = [] for fs in samplerates: try: sd.check_output_settings(device=device, samplerate=fs) except Exception as e: # LOG.debug(f"Sample rate not supported {fs}" +' '+str(e)) pass else: supported_samplerates.append(fs) return supported_samplerates def _get_nodes_path(oArgs=None): if oArgs and hasattr(oArgs, 'nodes_json') and oArgs.nodes_json: LOG.debug("_get_nodes_path: " +oArgs.nodes_json) default = oArgs.nodes_json elif get_user_config_path: default = os.path.join(get_user_config_path(), 'toxygen_nodes.json') else: # Windwoes default = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.config', 'tox', 'toxygen_nodes.json') LOG.debug("_get_nodes_path: " +default) return default DEFAULT_NODES_COUNT = 8 def generate_nodes( oArgs=None, nodes_count=DEFAULT_NODES_COUNT, ipv='ipv4', udp_not_tcp=True): sFile = _get_nodes_path(oArgs=oArgs) return generate_nodes_from_file(sFile, nodes_count=nodes_count, ipv=ipv, udp_not_tcp=udp_not_tcp) aNODES_CACHE = {} def generate_nodes_from_file(sFile, nodes_count=DEFAULT_NODES_COUNT, ipv='ipv4', udp_not_tcp=True, ): """https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore/issues/469 I had a conversation with @irungentoo on IRC about whether we really need to call tox_bootstrap() when having UDP disabled and why. The answer is yes, because in addition to TCP relays (tox_add_tcp_relay()), toxcore also needs to know addresses of UDP onion nodes in order to work correctly. The DHT, however, is not used when UDP is disabled. tox_bootstrap() function resolves the address passed to it as argument and calls onion_add_bs_node_path() and DHT_bootstrap() functions. Although calling DHT_bootstrap() is not really necessary as DHT is not used, we still need to resolve the address of the DHT node in order to populate the onion routes with onion_add_bs_node_path() call. """ key = sFile +',' +ipv key += ',0' if udp_not_tcp else ',1' if key in aNODES_CACHE: sorted_nodes = aNODES_CACHE[key] else: if not os.path.exists(sFile): LOG.error("generate_nodes_from_file file not found " +sFile) return [] try: with open(sFile, 'rt') as fl: json_nodes = json.loads(fl.read())['nodes'] except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"generate_nodes_from_file error {sFile}\n{e}") return [] else: LOG.debug("generate_nodes_from_file " +sFile) if udp_not_tcp: nodes = [(node[ipv], node['port'], node['public_key'],) for node in json_nodes if node[ipv] != 'NONE' \ and node["status_udp"] in [True, "true"] ] else: nodes = [] elts = [(node[ipv], node['tcp_ports'], node['public_key'],) \ for node in json_nodes if node[ipv] != 'NONE' \ and node['last_ping'] > 0 and node["status_tcp"] in [True, "true"] ] for (ipv4, ports, public_key,) in elts: for port in ports: nodes += [(ipv4, port, public_key)] sorted_nodes = sorted(nodes) aNODES_CACHE[key] = sorted_nodes if nodes_count is not None and len(sorted_nodes) > nodes_count: sorted_nodes = sorted_nodes[-nodes_count:] LOG.debug(f"generate_nodes_from_file {sFile} len={len(sorted_nodes)}") return sorted_nodes def tox_bootstrapd_port(): port = 33446 sFile = '/etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf' if os.path.exists(sFile): with open(sFile, 'rt') as oFd: for line in oFd.readlines(): if line.startswith('port = '): port = int(line[7:]) return port def bootstrap_local(self, elts): if os.path.exists('/run/tox-bootstrapd/tox-bootstrapd.pid'): LOG.debug('/run/tox-bootstrapd/tox-bootstrapd.pid') iRet = True else: iRet = os.system("netstat -nle4|grep -q :33") if iRet > 0: LOG.warn('bootstraping local No local DHT running') LOG.info('bootstraping local') return bootstrap_good(self, elts) def bootstrap_good(self, lelts): LOG.info('bootstraping udp') for elt in ['bob', 'alice']: for largs in lelts: try: oRet = getattr(self, elt).bootstrap(largs[0], int(largs[1]), largs[2]) except Exception as e: LOG.error('bootstrap to ' +largs[0] +':' +str(largs[1]) \ +' ' +str(e)) continue if not oRet: LOG.warn('bootstrap failed to ' +largs[0] +' : ' +str(oRet)) else: if getattr(self, elt).self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: LOG.debug('bootstrap to ' +largs[0] +' connected') return def bootstrap_tcp(self, lelts): LOG.info('bootstraping tcp') for elt in ['alice', 'bob']: for largs in lelts: try: oRet = getattr(self, elt).add_tcp_relay(largs[0], int(largs[1]), largs[2]) except Exception as e: LOG.error('bootstrap_tcp to ' +largs[0] +' : ' +str(e)) continue if not oRet: LOG.warn('bootstrap_tcp failed to ' +largs[0] +' : ' +str(oRet)) else: if getattr(self, elt).self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: LOG.debug('bootstrap_tcp to ' +largs[0] +' connected') break def setup_logging(oArgs): global LOG if coloredlogs: aKw = dict(level=oArgs.loglevel, logger=LOG, fmt='%(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') if oArgs.logfile: oFd = open(oArgs.logfile, 'wt') setattr(oArgs, 'log_oFd', oFd) aKw['stream'] = oFd coloredlogs.install(**aKw) else: aKw = dict(level=oArgs.loglevel, format='%(name)s %(levelname)-4s %(message)s') if oArgs.logfile: aKw['filename'] = oArgs.logfile logging.basicConfig(**aKw) if oArgs.logfile: oHandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) LOG.addHandler(oHandler) logging._defaultFormatter = logging.Formatter(datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M:%S') logging._defaultFormatter.default_time_format = '%m-%d %H:%M:%S' logging._defaultFormatter.default_msec_format = '' LOG.setLevel(oArgs.loglevel) LOG.trace = lambda l: LOG.log(0, repr(l)) LOG.info(f"Setting loglevel to {oArgs.loglevel!s}") def caseFactory(cases): """We want the tests run in order.""" if len(cases) > 1: ordered_cases = sorted(cases, key=lambda f: findsource(f)[1]) else: ordered_cases = cases return ordered_cases def suiteFactory(*testcases): """We want the tests run in order.""" linen = lambda f: getattr(tc, f).__code__.co_firstlineno lncmp = lambda a, b: linen(a) - linen(b) test_suite = unittest.TestSuite() for tc in testcases: test_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(tc, sortUsing=lncmp)) return test_suite