# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*- TOX_USER_STATUS = { 'NONE': 0, 'AWAY': 1, 'BUSY': 2, } TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE = { 'NORMAL': 0, 'ACTION': 1, } TOX_PROXY_TYPE = { 'NONE': 0, 'HTTP': 1, 'SOCKS5': 2, } TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE = { 'NONE': 0, 'TOX_SAVE': 1, 'SECRET_KEY': 2, } TOX_ERR_OPTIONS_NEW = { 'OK': 0, 'MALLOC': 1, } TOX_ERR_NEW = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'MALLOC': 2, 'PORT_ALLOC': 3, 'PROXY_BAD_TYPE': 4, 'PROXY_BAD_HOST': 5, 'PROXY_BAD_PORT': 6, 'PROXY_NOT_FOUND': 7, 'LOAD_ENCRYPTED': 8, 'LOAD_BAD_FORMAT': 9, 'TCP_SERVER_ALLOC': 10, } TOX_ERR_BOOTSTRAP = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'BAD_HOST': 2, 'BAD_PORT': 3, } TOX_CONNECTION = { 'NONE': 0, 'TCP': 1, 'UDP': 2, } TOX_ERR_SET_INFO = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'TOO_LONG': 2, } TOX_ERR_FRIEND_ADD = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'TOO_LONG': 2, 'NO_MESSAGE': 3, 'OWN_KEY': 4, 'ALREADY_SENT': 5, 'BAD_CHECKSUM': 6, 'SET_NEW_NOSPAM': 7, 'MALLOC': 8, } TOX_ERR_FRIEND_DELETE = { 'OK': 0, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 1, } TOX_ERR_FRIEND_BY_PUBLIC_KEY = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'NOT_FOUND': 2, } TOX_ERR_FRIEND_GET_PUBLIC_KEY = { 'OK': 0, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 1, } TOX_ERR_FRIEND_GET_LAST_ONLINE = { 'OK': 0, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 1, } TOX_ERR_FRIEND_QUERY = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 2, } TOX_ERR_SET_TYPING = { 'OK': 0, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 1, } TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 2, 'FRIEND_NOT_CONNECTED': 3, 'SENDQ': 4, 'TOO_LONG': 5, 'EMPTY': 6, } TOX_FILE_KIND = { 'DATA': 0, 'AVATAR': 1, } TOX_FILE_CONTROL = { 'RESUME': 0, 'PAUSE': 1, 'CANCEL': 2, } TOX_ERR_FILE_CONTROL = { 'OK': 0, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 1, 'FRIEND_NOT_CONNECTED': 2, 'NOT_FOUND': 3, 'NOT_PAUSED': 4, 'DENIED': 5, 'ALREADY_PAUSED': 6, 'SENDQ': 7, } TOX_ERR_FILE_SEEK = { 'OK': 0, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 1, 'FRIEND_NOT_CONNECTED': 2, 'NOT_FOUND': 3, 'DENIED': 4, 'INVALID_POSITION': 5, 'SENDQ': 6, } TOX_ERR_FILE_GET = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 2, 'NOT_FOUND': 3, } TOX_ERR_FILE_SEND = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 2, 'FRIEND_NOT_CONNECTED': 3, 'NAME_TOO_LONG': 4, 'TOO_MANY': 5, } TOX_ERR_FILE_SEND_CHUNK = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 2, 'FRIEND_NOT_CONNECTED': 3, 'NOT_FOUND': 4, 'NOT_TRANSFERRING': 5, 'INVALID_LENGTH': 6, 'SENDQ': 7, 'WRONG_POSITION': 8, } TOX_ERR_FRIEND_CUSTOM_PACKET = { 'OK': 0, 'NULL': 1, 'FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 2, 'FRIEND_NOT_CONNECTED': 3, 'INVALID': 4, 'EMPTY': 5, 'TOO_LONG': 6, 'SENDQ': 7, } TOX_ERR_GET_PORT = { 'OK': 0, 'NOT_BOUND': 1, } TOX_GROUP_PRIVACY_STATE = { # # The group is considered to be public. Anyone may join the group using the Chat ID. # # If the group is in this state, even if the Chat ID is never explicitly shared # with someone outside of the group, information including the Chat ID, IP addresses, # and peer ID's (but not Tox ID's) is visible to anyone with access to a node # storing a DHT entry for the given group. # 'PUBLIC': 0, # # The group is considered to be private. The only way to join the group is by having # someone in your contact list send you an invite. # # If the group is in this state, no group information (mentioned above) is present in the DHT; # the DHT is not used for any purpose at all. If a public group is set to private, # all DHT information related to the group will expire shortly. # 'PRIVATE': 1 } TOX_GROUP_ROLE = { # # May kick and ban all other peers as well as set their role to anything (except founder). # Founders may also set the group password, toggle the privacy state, and set the peer limit. # 'FOUNDER': 0, # # May kick, ban and set the user and observer roles for peers below this role. # May also set the group topic. # 'MODERATOR': 1, # # May communicate with other peers normally. # 'USER': 2, # # May observe the group and ignore peers; may not communicate with other peers or with the group. # 'OBSERVER': 3 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_NEW = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_NEW_OK': 0, # # The group name exceeded TOX_GROUP_MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_NEW_TOO_LONG': 1, # # group_name is NULL or length is zero. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_NEW_EMPTY': 2, # # TOX_GROUP_PRIVACY_STATE is an invalid type. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_NEW_PRIVACY': 3, # # The group instance failed to initialize. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_NEW_INIT': 4, # # The group state failed to initialize. This usually indicates that something went wrong # related to cryptographic signing. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_NEW_STATE': 5, # # The group failed to announce to the DHT. This indicates a network related error. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_NEW_ANNOUNCE': 6, } TOX_ERR_GROUP_JOIN = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_JOIN_OK': 0, # # The group instance failed to initialize. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_JOIN_INIT': 1, # # The chat_id pointer is set to NULL or a group with chat_id already exists. This usually # happens if the client attempts to create multiple sessions for the same group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BAD_CHAT_ID': 2, # # Password length exceeded TOX_GROUP_MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_JOIN_TOO_LONG': 3, } TOX_ERR_GROUP_IS_CONNECTED = { 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_IS_CONNECTED_OK': 0, 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_IS_CONNECTED_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_RECONNECT = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_RECONNECT_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_RECONNECT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, } TOX_ERR_GROUP_DISCONNECT = { # The function returned successfully. 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_DISCONNECT_OK': 0, # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_DISCONNECT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # The group is already disconnected. 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_DISCONNECT_ALREADY_DISCONNECTED': 2, } TOX_ERR_GROUP_LEAVE = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_LEAVE_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_LEAVE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # Message length exceeded 'TOX_GROUP_MAX_PART_LENGTH. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_LEAVE_TOO_LONG': 2, # # The parting packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_LEAVE_FAIL_SEND': 3, # # The group chat instance failed to be deleted. This may occur due to memory related errors. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_LEAVE_DELETE_FAIL': 4, } TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_QUERY = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_QUERY_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_QUERY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, } TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_NAME_SET = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_NAME_SET_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_NAME_SET_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # Name length exceeded 'TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_NAME_SET_TOO_LONG': 2, # # The length given to the set function is zero or name is a NULL pointer. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_NAME_SET_INVALID': 3, # # The name is already taken by another peer in the group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_NAME_SET_TAKEN': 4, # # The packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_NAME_SET_FAIL_SEND': 5 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_STATUS_SET = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_STATUS_SET_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_STATUS_SET_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # An invalid type was passed to the set function. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_STATUS_SET_INVALID': 2, # # The packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SELF_STATUS_SET_FAIL_SEND': 3 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_PEER_QUERY = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_PEER_QUERY_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_PEER_QUERY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The ID passed did not designate a valid peer. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_PEER_QUERY_PEER_NOT_FOUND': 2 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_STATE_QUERIES = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_STATE_QUERIES_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_STATE_QUERIES_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOPIC_SET = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOPIC_SET_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOPIC_SET_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # Topic length exceeded 'TOX_GROUP_MAX_TOPIC_LENGTH. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOPIC_SET_TOO_LONG': 2, # # The caller does not have the required permissions to set the topic. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOPIC_SET_PERMISSIONS': 3, # # The packet could not be created. This error is usually related to cryptographic signing. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOPIC_SET_FAIL_CREATE': 4, # # The packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOPIC_SET_FAIL_SEND': 5 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_MESSAGE = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_MESSAGE_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_MESSAGE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # Message length exceeded 'TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG': 2, # # The message pointer is null or length is zero. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_MESSAGE_EMPTY': 3, # # The message type is invalid. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_MESSAGE_BAD_TYPE': 4, # # The caller does not have the required permissions to send group messages. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_MESSAGE_PERMISSIONS': 5, # # Packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_MESSAGE_FAIL_SEND': 6 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The ID passed did not designate a valid peer. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_PEER_NOT_FOUND': 2, # # Message length exceeded 'TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG': 3, # # The message pointer is null or length is zero. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_EMPTY': 4, # # The caller does not have the required permissions to send group messages. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_PERMISSIONS': 5, # # Packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_FAIL_SEND': 6 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # Message length exceeded 'TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_TOO_LONG': 2, # # The message pointer is null or length is zero. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_EMPTY': 3, # # The caller does not have the required permissions to send group messages. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_PERMISSIONS': 4 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_FRIEND = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_FRIEND_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_FRIEND_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The friend number passed did not designate a valid friend. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_FRIEND_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND': 2, # # Creation of the invite packet failed. This indicates a network related error. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_FRIEND_INVITE_FAIL': 3, # # Packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_FRIEND_FAIL_SEND': 4 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPT = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPT_OK': 0, # # The invite data is not in the expected format. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPT_BAD_INVITE': 1, # # The group instance failed to initialize. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPT_INIT_FAILED': 2, # # Password length exceeded 'TOX_GROUP_MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPT_TOO_LONG': 3 } TOX_GROUP_JOIN_FAIL = { # # You are using the same nickname as someone who is already in the group. # 'TOX_GROUP_JOIN_FAIL_NAME_TAKEN': 0, # # The group peer limit has been reached. # 'TOX_GROUP_JOIN_FAIL_PEER_LIMIT': 1, # # You have supplied an invalid password. # 'TOX_GROUP_JOIN_FAIL_INVALID_PASSWORD': 2, # # The join attempt failed due to an unspecified error. This often occurs when the group is # not found in the DHT. # 'TOX_GROUP_JOIN_FAIL_UNKNOWN': 3 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PASSWORD = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PASSWORD_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PASSWORD_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The caller does not have the required permissions to set the password. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PASSWORD_PERMISSIONS': 2, # # Password length exceeded 'TOX_GROUP_MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG': 3, # # The packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PASSWORD_FAIL_SEND': 4 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PRIVACY_STATE = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PRIVACY_STATE_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PRIVACY_STATE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # 'TOX_GROUP_PRIVACY_STATE is an invalid type. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PRIVACY_STATE_INVALID': 2, # # The caller does not have the required permissions to set the privacy state. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PRIVACY_STATE_PERMISSIONS': 3, # # The privacy state could not be set. This may occur due to an error related to # cryptographic signing of the new shared state. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PRIVACY_STATE_FAIL_SET': 4, # # The packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PRIVACY_STATE_FAIL_SEND': 5 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PEER_LIMIT = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PEER_LIMIT_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PEER_LIMIT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The caller does not have the required permissions to set the peer limit. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PEER_LIMIT_PERMISSIONS': 2, # # The peer limit could not be set. This may occur due to an error related to # cryptographic signing of the new shared state. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PEER_LIMIT_FAIL_SET': 3, # # The packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_FOUNDER_SET_PEER_LIMIT_FAIL_SEND': 4 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOGGLE_IGNORE = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOGGLE_IGNORE_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOGGLE_IGNORE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The ID passed did not designate a valid peer. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_TOGGLE_IGNORE_PEER_NOT_FOUND': 2 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_SET_ROLE = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_SET_ROLE_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_SET_ROLE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The ID passed did not designate a valid peer. Note: you cannot set your own role. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_SET_ROLE_PEER_NOT_FOUND': 2, # # The caller does not have the required permissions for this action. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_SET_ROLE_PERMISSIONS': 3, # # The role assignment is invalid. This will occur if you try to set a peer's role to # the role they already have. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_SET_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT': 4, # # The role was not successfully set. This may occur if something goes wrong with role setting': , # or if the packet fails to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_SET_ROLE_FAIL_ACTION': 5 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_PEER = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_PEER_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_PEER_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The ID passed did not designate a valid peer. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_PEER_PEER_NOT_FOUND': 2, # # The caller does not have the required permissions for this action. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_PEER_PERMISSIONS': 3, # # The peer could not be removed from the group. # # If a ban was set': , this error indicates that the ban entry could not be created. # This is usually due to the peer's IP address already occurring in the ban list. It may also # be due to the entry containing invalid peer information': , or a failure to cryptographically # authenticate the entry. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_PEER_FAIL_ACTION': 4, # # The packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_PEER_FAIL_SEND': 5 } TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_BAN = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_BAN_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_BAN_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The caller does not have the required permissions for this action. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_BAN_PERMISSIONS': 2, # # The ban entry could not be removed. This may occur if ban_id does not designate # a valid ban entry. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_BAN_FAIL_ACTION': 3, # # The packet failed to send. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_MOD_REMOVE_BAN_FAIL_SEND': 4 } TOX_GROUP_MOD_EVENT = { # # A peer has been kicked from the group. # 'KICK': 0, # # A peer has been banned from the group. # 'BAN': 1, # # A peer as been given the observer role. # 'OBSERVER': 2, # # A peer has been given the user role. # 'USER': 3, # # A peer has been given the moderator role. # 'MODERATOR': 4, } TOX_ERR_GROUP_BAN_QUERY = { # # The function returned successfully. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_BAN_QUERY_OK': 0, # # The group number passed did not designate a valid group. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_BAN_QUERY_GROUP_NOT_FOUND': 1, # # The ban_id does not designate a valid ban list entry. # 'TOX_ERR_GROUP_BAN_QUERY_BAD_ID': 2, } TOX_GROUP_BAN_TYPE = { 'IP_PORT': 0, 'PUBLIC_KEY': 1, 'NICK': 2 } TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE = 32 TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE = TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + 6 TOX_MAX_FRIEND_REQUEST_LENGTH = 1016 TOX_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 1372 TOX_GROUP_MAX_TOPIC_LENGTH = 512 TOX_GROUP_MAX_PART_LENGTH = 128 TOX_GROUP_MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH = 48 TOX_GROUP_MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE = 32 TOX_GROUP_CHAT_ID_SIZE = 32 TOX_GROUP_PEER_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE = 32 TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 128 TOX_MAX_STATUS_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 1007 TOX_SECRET_KEY_SIZE = 32 TOX_FILE_ID_LENGTH = 32 TOX_HASH_LENGTH = 32 TOX_MAX_CUSTOM_PACKET_SIZE = 1373