Add 'external/qoi/qoi/' from commit '30d15d79b7726b977cd889151cc5cd6b17742f8f'

git-subtree-dir: external/qoi/qoi
git-subtree-mainline: 28b92b0f4cb36eb7c692537e47db28724852afc1
git-subtree-split: 30d15d79b7726b977cd889151cc5cd6b17742f8f
This commit is contained in:
Green Sky 2024-03-04 12:39:30 +01:00
commit 029df21423
8 changed files with 1609 additions and 0 deletions

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MIT License
Copyright (c) 2022 Dominic Szablewski
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
CC ?= gcc
CFLAGS_BENCH ?= -std=gnu99 -O3
CFLAGS_CONV ?= -std=c99 -O3
TARGET_BENCH ?= qoibench
TARGET_CONV ?= qoiconv
bench: $(TARGET_BENCH)
conv: $(TARGET_CONV)
.PHONY: clean

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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
![QOI Logo](
# QOI - The “Quite OK Image Format” for fast, lossless image compression
Single-file MIT licensed library for C/C++
See [qoi.h]( for
the documentation and format specification.
More info at
## Why?
Compared to stb_image and stb_image_write QOI offers 20x-50x faster encoding,
3x-4x faster decoding and 20% better compression. It's also stupidly simple and
fits in about 300 lines of C.
## Example Usage
- [qoiconv.c](
converts between png <> qoi
- [qoibench.c](
a simple wrapper to benchmark stbi, libpng and qoi
## MIME Type, File Extension
The recommended MIME type for QOI images is `image/qoi`. While QOI is not yet
officially registered with IANA, I believe QOI has found enough adoption to
prevent any future image format from choosing the same name, thus making a
MIME type collision highly unlikely ([see #167](
The recommended file extension for QOI images is `.qoi`
## Limitations
The QOI file format allows for huge images with up to 18 exa-pixels. A streaming
en-/decoder can handle these with minimal RAM requirements, assuming there is
enough storage space.
This particular implementation of QOI however is limited to images with a
maximum size of 400 million pixels. It will safely refuse to en-/decode anything
larger than that. This is not a streaming en-/decoder. It loads the whole image
file into RAM before doing any work and is not extensively optimized for
performance (but it's still very fast).
If this is a limitation for your use case, please look into any of the other
implementations listed below.
## Improvements, New Versions and Contributing
The QOI format has been finalized. It was a conscious decision to **not** have a
version number in the file header. If you have a working QOI implementation today,
you can rest assured that it will be compatible with all QOI files tomorrow.
There are a lot of interesting ideas for a successor of QOI, but none of these will
be implemented here. That doesn't mean you shouldn't experiment with QOI, but please
be aware that pull requests that change the format will not be accepted.
Likewise, pull requests for performance improvements will probably not be accepted
either, as this "reference implementation" tries to be as easy to read as possible.
## Tools
- [floooh/qoiview]( - native QOI viewer
- [pfusik/qoi-fu]( - QOI Plugin installer for Windows Explorer, Finder, GNOME, GIMP, Paint.NET and XnView
- [iOrange/QoiFileTypeNet]( - QOI Plugin for Paint.NET
- [iOrange/QOIThumbnailProvider]( - Add thumbnails for QOI images in Windows Explorer
- [Tom94/tev]( - another native QOI viewer (allows pixel peeping and comparison with other image formats)
- [qoiconverterx]( QOI <=> PNG converter available on the Mac App Store
- [kaetemi/qoi-ma]( - QOI Bitmap I/O Plugin for 3ds Max
- [rtexviewer]( - texture viewer, supports QOI
- [rtexpacker]( - texture packer, supports QOI
- [DmitriySalnikov/godot_qoi]( - QOI GDNative Addon for Godot Engine
- [dan9er/farbfeld-convert-qoi]( - QOI <=> farbfeld converter
- [LTMX/Unity.QOI]( - QOI Importer and Exporter for the Unity3D Game Engine
- [Ben1138/unity-qoi]( - QOI Importer(only) support for the Unity3D Game Engine
- [xiaozhuai/jetbrains-qo]( - [QOI Support]( for Jetbrains' IDE.
- [serge-ivamov/QOIql]( - MacOS QuickLook plugin for QOI
- [tobozo/kde-thumbnailer-qoi]( - QOI Thumbnailer for KDE
- [walksanatora/qoi-thumbnailer-nemo]( - QOI Thumbnailer for Nemo
- [hzeller/timg]( - a terminal image viewer with QOI support
- [LuisAlfredo92/Super-QOI-converter]( "LuisAlfredo92/Super-QOI-converter") - A program to convert JPG, JPEG, BMP, and PNG to QOI
- [Console version]( "Console version"): Available for Linux, OSX and Windows
- [GUI version]( "GUI version"): Available only for windows
- [tacent view]( - Image and texture viewer, supports QOI
- [colemanrgb/qoi2spr]( - A variety of applications for decoding and encoding of QOI images on [RISC OS](
## Implementations & Bindings of QOI
- [pfusik/qoi-fu]( - Fusion, transpiling to C, C++, C#, D, Java, JavaScript, Python, Swift and TypeScript
- [kodonnell/qoi]( - Python
- [JaffaKetchup/dqoi]( - Dart, with Flutter support
- [Cr4xy/lua-qoi]( - Lua
- [superzazu/SDL_QOI]( - C, SDL2 bindings
- [saharNooby/qoi-java]( - Java
- [MasterQ32/zig-qoi]( - Zig
- [rbino/qoix]( - Elixir
- [NUlliiON/QoiSharp]( - C#
- [aldanor/qoi-rust]( - Rust
- [zakarumych/rapid-qoi]( - Rust
- [takeyourhatoff/qoi]( - Go
- [DosWorld/pasqoi]( - Pascal
- [elihwyma/Swift-QOI]( - Swift
- [xfmoulet/qoi]( - Go
- []( - OCaml
- [arian/go-qoi]( - Go
- [kchapelier/qoijs]( - JavaScript
- [KristofferC/QOI.jl]( - Julia
- [shadowMitia/libqoi]( - C++
- [MKCG/php-qoi]( - PHP
- [LightHouseSoftware/qoiformats]( - D
- [mhoward540/qoi-nim]( - Nim
- [wx257osn2/qoixx]( - C++
- [Tiefseetauchner/lr-paint]( - Processing
- [amstan/qoi-fpga]( - FPGA: verilog
- [musabkilic/qoi-decoder]( - Python
- [mathpn/py-qoi]( - Python
- [JohannesFriedrich/qoi4R]( - R
- [shraiwi/mini-qoi]( - C, streaming decoder
- [10maurycy10/libqoi/]( - Rust
- [0xd34df00d/hsqoi]( - Haskell
- [418Coffee/qoi-v]( - V
- [Imagine-Programming/QoiImagePlugin]( - PureBasic
- [Fabien-Chouteau/qoi-spark]( - Ada/SPARK formally proven
- [mzgreen/qoi-kotlin]( - Kotlin Multiplatform
- [Aftersol/Simplified-QOI-Codec]( - C99, encoder and decoder, freestanding
- [AuburnSounds/gamut]( - D
- [AngusJohnson/TQoiImage]( - Delphi
- [MarkJeronimus/qoi-java-spi]( - Java SPI
- [aumouvantsillage/qoi-racket]( - Racket
- [rubikscraft/qoi-stream]( - C99, one byte at a time streaming encoder and decoder
- [rubikscraft/qoi-img]( - NodeJS typescript, bindings to both [QOIxx]( and [qoi-stream](
- [grego/hare-qoi]( - Hare
- [MrNocole/ZTQOI]( - Objective-C
- [bpanthi977/qoi]( - Common Lisp
- [Floessie/pam2qoi]( - C++
- [SpeckyYT/spwn-qoi]( - SPWN
- [n00bmind/qoi]( - Jai
- [SixLabors/ImageSharp]( - C# image proccesing library
- [zertovitch/gid]( - Ada
- [nazrin/lil]( - Lua image library
## QOI Support in Other Software
- [Amiga OS QOI datatype]( - adds support for decoding QOI images to the Amiga operating system.
- [SerenityOS]( - supports decoding QOI system wide through a custom [cpp implementation in LibGfx](
- [Raylib]( - supports decoding and encoding QOI textures through its [rtextures module](
- [Rebol3]( - supports decoding and encoding QOI using a native codec
- [c-ray]( - supports QOI natively
- [SAIL]( - image decoding library, supports decoding and encoding QOI images
- [Orx]( - 2D game engine, supports QOI natively
- [IrfanView]( - supports decoding and encoding QOI through its Formats plugin
- [ImageMagick]( - supports decoding and encoding QOI, since 7.1.0-20
- [barebox]( - bootloader, supports decoding QOI images for splash logo, since v2022.03.0
- [KorGE]( - & KorIM Kotlin 2D game engine and imaging library, supports decoding and encoding QOI natively since 2.7.0
- [DOjS]( - DOS JavaScript Canvas implementation supports loading QOI files
- [XnView MP]( - supports decoding QOI since 1.00
- [ffmpeg]( - supports decoding and encoding QOI since 5.1
- [JPEGView]( - lightweight Windows image viewer, supports decoding and encoding of QOI natively, since 1.1.44
- [darktable]( - photography workflow application and raw developer, supports decoding since 4.4.0
- [KDE]( - supports decoding and encoding QOI images. Implemented in [KImageFormats](
- [EFL]( - supports decoding and encoding QOI images since 1.27.
- [Swingland]( - supports QOI decoding/loading via the `ImageIO` API of this Java Swing reimplemenation for Wayland
- [Imagine]( - supports decoding and encoding QOI images since 1.3.9
- [Uiua]( - supports decoding and encoding QOI images since 0.8.0
## Packages
- [AUR]( - system-wide qoi.h, qoiconv and qoibench install as split packages.
- [Debian]( - packages for binaries and qoi.h
- [Ubuntu]( - packages for binaries and qoi.h
Packages for other systems [tracked at Repology](

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@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
Copyright (c) 2021, Dominic Szablewski -
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
QOI - The "Quite OK Image" format for fast, lossless image compression
-- About
QOI encodes and decodes images in a lossless format. Compared to stb_image and
stb_image_write QOI offers 20x-50x faster encoding, 3x-4x faster decoding and
20% better compression.
-- Synopsis
// Define `QOI_IMPLEMENTATION` in *one* C/C++ file before including this
// library to create the implementation.
#include "qoi.h"
// Encode and store an RGBA buffer to the file system. The qoi_desc describes
// the input pixel data.
qoi_write("image_new.qoi", rgba_pixels, &(qoi_desc){
.width = 1920,
.height = 1080,
.channels = 4,
.colorspace = QOI_SRGB
// Load and decode a QOI image from the file system into a 32bbp RGBA buffer.
// The qoi_desc struct will be filled with the width, height, number of channels
// and colorspace read from the file header.
qoi_desc desc;
void *rgba_pixels = qoi_read("image.qoi", &desc, 4);
-- Documentation
This library provides the following functions;
- qoi_read -- read and decode a QOI file
- qoi_decode -- decode the raw bytes of a QOI image from memory
- qoi_write -- encode and write a QOI file
- qoi_encode -- encode an rgba buffer into a QOI image in memory
See the function declaration below for the signature and more information.
If you don't want/need the qoi_read and qoi_write functions, you can define
QOI_NO_STDIO before including this library.
This library uses malloc() and free(). To supply your own malloc implementation
you can define QOI_MALLOC and QOI_FREE before including this library.
This library uses memset() to zero-initialize the index. To supply your own
implementation you can define QOI_ZEROARR before including this library.
-- Data Format
A QOI file has a 14 byte header, followed by any number of data "chunks" and an
8-byte end marker.
struct qoi_header_t {
char magic[4]; // magic bytes "qoif"
uint32_t width; // image width in pixels (BE)
uint32_t height; // image height in pixels (BE)
uint8_t channels; // 3 = RGB, 4 = RGBA
uint8_t colorspace; // 0 = sRGB with linear alpha, 1 = all channels linear
Images are encoded row by row, left to right, top to bottom. The decoder and
encoder start with {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255} as the previous pixel value. An
image is complete when all pixels specified by width * height have been covered.
Pixels are encoded as
- a run of the previous pixel
- an index into an array of previously seen pixels
- a difference to the previous pixel value in r,g,b
- full r,g,b or r,g,b,a values
The color channels are assumed to not be premultiplied with the alpha channel
("un-premultiplied alpha").
A running array[64] (zero-initialized) of previously seen pixel values is
maintained by the encoder and decoder. Each pixel that is seen by the encoder
and decoder is put into this array at the position formed by a hash function of
the color value. In the encoder, if the pixel value at the index matches the
current pixel, this index position is written to the stream as QOI_OP_INDEX.
The hash function for the index is:
index_position = (r * 3 + g * 5 + b * 7 + a * 11) % 64
Each chunk starts with a 2- or 8-bit tag, followed by a number of data bits. The
bit length of chunks is divisible by 8 - i.e. all chunks are byte aligned. All
values encoded in these data bits have the most significant bit on the left.
The 8-bit tags have precedence over the 2-bit tags. A decoder must check for the
presence of an 8-bit tag first.
The byte stream's end is marked with 7 0x00 bytes followed a single 0x01 byte.
The possible chunks are:
.- QOI_OP_INDEX ----------.
| Byte[0] |
| 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |
| 0 0 | index |
2-bit tag b00
6-bit index into the color index array: 0..63
A valid encoder must not issue 2 or more consecutive QOI_OP_INDEX chunks to the
same index. QOI_OP_RUN should be used instead.
.- QOI_OP_DIFF -----------.
| Byte[0] |
| 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |
| 0 1 | dr | dg | db |
2-bit tag b01
2-bit red channel difference from the previous pixel between -2..1
2-bit green channel difference from the previous pixel between -2..1
2-bit blue channel difference from the previous pixel between -2..1
The difference to the current channel values are using a wraparound operation,
so "1 - 2" will result in 255, while "255 + 1" will result in 0.
Values are stored as unsigned integers with a bias of 2. E.g. -2 is stored as
0 (b00). 1 is stored as 3 (b11).
The alpha value remains unchanged from the previous pixel.
.- QOI_OP_LUMA -------------------------------------.
| Byte[0] | Byte[1] |
| 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |
| 1 0 | green diff | dr - dg | db - dg |
2-bit tag b10
6-bit green channel difference from the previous pixel -32..31
4-bit red channel difference minus green channel difference -8..7
4-bit blue channel difference minus green channel difference -8..7
The green channel is used to indicate the general direction of change and is
encoded in 6 bits. The red and blue channels (dr and db) base their diffs off
of the green channel difference and are encoded in 4 bits. I.e.:
dr_dg = (cur_px.r - prev_px.r) - (cur_px.g - prev_px.g)
db_dg = (cur_px.b - prev_px.b) - (cur_px.g - prev_px.g)
The difference to the current channel values are using a wraparound operation,
so "10 - 13" will result in 253, while "250 + 7" will result in 1.
Values are stored as unsigned integers with a bias of 32 for the green channel
and a bias of 8 for the red and blue channel.
The alpha value remains unchanged from the previous pixel.
.- QOI_OP_RUN ------------.
| Byte[0] |
| 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 |
| 1 1 | run |
2-bit tag b11
6-bit run-length repeating the previous pixel: 1..62
The run-length is stored with a bias of -1. Note that the run-lengths 63 and 64
(b111110 and b111111) are illegal as they are occupied by the QOI_OP_RGB and
.- QOI_OP_RGB ------------------------------------------.
| Byte[0] | Byte[1] | Byte[2] | Byte[3] |
| 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | 7 .. 0 | 7 .. 0 | 7 .. 0 |
| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 | red | green | blue |
8-bit tag b11111110
8-bit red channel value
8-bit green channel value
8-bit blue channel value
The alpha value remains unchanged from the previous pixel.
.- QOI_OP_RGBA ---------------------------------------------------.
| Byte[0] | Byte[1] | Byte[2] | Byte[3] | Byte[4] |
| 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | 7 .. 0 | 7 .. 0 | 7 .. 0 | 7 .. 0 |
| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | red | green | blue | alpha |
8-bit tag b11111111
8-bit red channel value
8-bit green channel value
8-bit blue channel value
8-bit alpha channel value
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Header - Public functions */
#ifndef QOI_H
#define QOI_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* A pointer to a qoi_desc struct has to be supplied to all of qoi's functions.
It describes either the input format (for qoi_write and qoi_encode), or is
filled with the description read from the file header (for qoi_read and
The colorspace in this qoi_desc is an enum where
0 = sRGB, i.e. gamma scaled RGB channels and a linear alpha channel
1 = all channels are linear
You may use the constants QOI_SRGB or QOI_LINEAR. The colorspace is purely
informative. It will be saved to the file header, but does not affect
how chunks are en-/decoded. */
#define QOI_SRGB 0
#define QOI_LINEAR 1
typedef struct {
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
unsigned char channels;
unsigned char colorspace;
} qoi_desc;
#ifndef QOI_NO_STDIO
/* Encode raw RGB or RGBA pixels into a QOI image and write it to the file
system. The qoi_desc struct must be filled with the image width, height,
number of channels (3 = RGB, 4 = RGBA) and the colorspace.
The function returns 0 on failure (invalid parameters, or fopen or malloc
failed) or the number of bytes written on success. */
int qoi_write(const char *filename, const void *data, const qoi_desc *desc);
/* Read and decode a QOI image from the file system. If channels is 0, the
number of channels from the file header is used. If channels is 3 or 4 the
output format will be forced into this number of channels.
The function either returns NULL on failure (invalid data, or malloc or fopen
failed) or a pointer to the decoded pixels. On success, the qoi_desc struct
will be filled with the description from the file header.
The returned pixel data should be free()d after use. */
void *qoi_read(const char *filename, qoi_desc *desc, int channels);
#endif /* QOI_NO_STDIO */
/* Encode raw RGB or RGBA pixels into a QOI image in memory.
The function either returns NULL on failure (invalid parameters or malloc
failed) or a pointer to the encoded data on success. On success the out_len
is set to the size in bytes of the encoded data.
The returned qoi data should be free()d after use. */
void *qoi_encode(const void *data, const qoi_desc *desc, int *out_len);
/* Decode a QOI image from memory.
The function either returns NULL on failure (invalid parameters or malloc
failed) or a pointer to the decoded pixels. On success, the qoi_desc struct
is filled with the description from the file header.
The returned pixel data should be free()d after use. */
void *qoi_decode(const void *data, int size, qoi_desc *desc, int channels);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* QOI_H */
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Implementation */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef QOI_MALLOC
#define QOI_MALLOC(sz) malloc(sz)
#define QOI_FREE(p) free(p)
#define QOI_ZEROARR(a) memset((a),0,sizeof(a))
#define QOI_OP_INDEX 0x00 /* 00xxxxxx */
#define QOI_OP_DIFF 0x40 /* 01xxxxxx */
#define QOI_OP_LUMA 0x80 /* 10xxxxxx */
#define QOI_OP_RUN 0xc0 /* 11xxxxxx */
#define QOI_OP_RGB 0xfe /* 11111110 */
#define QOI_OP_RGBA 0xff /* 11111111 */
#define QOI_MASK_2 0xc0 /* 11000000 */
#define QOI_COLOR_HASH(C) (C.rgba.r*3 + C.rgba.g*5 + C.rgba.b*7 + C.rgba.a*11)
#define QOI_MAGIC \
(((unsigned int)'q') << 24 | ((unsigned int)'o') << 16 | \
((unsigned int)'i') << 8 | ((unsigned int)'f'))
#define QOI_HEADER_SIZE 14
/* 2GB is the max file size that this implementation can safely handle. We guard
against anything larger than that, assuming the worst case with 5 bytes per
pixel, rounded down to a nice clean value. 400 million pixels ought to be
enough for anybody. */
#define QOI_PIXELS_MAX ((unsigned int)400000000)
typedef union {
struct { unsigned char r, g, b, a; } rgba;
unsigned int v;
} qoi_rgba_t;
static const unsigned char qoi_padding[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
static void qoi_write_32(unsigned char *bytes, int *p, unsigned int v) {
bytes[(*p)++] = (0xff000000 & v) >> 24;
bytes[(*p)++] = (0x00ff0000 & v) >> 16;
bytes[(*p)++] = (0x0000ff00 & v) >> 8;
bytes[(*p)++] = (0x000000ff & v);
static unsigned int qoi_read_32(const unsigned char *bytes, int *p) {
unsigned int a = bytes[(*p)++];
unsigned int b = bytes[(*p)++];
unsigned int c = bytes[(*p)++];
unsigned int d = bytes[(*p)++];
return a << 24 | b << 16 | c << 8 | d;
void *qoi_encode(const void *data, const qoi_desc *desc, int *out_len) {
int i, max_size, p, run;
int px_len, px_end, px_pos, channels;
unsigned char *bytes;
const unsigned char *pixels;
qoi_rgba_t index[64];
qoi_rgba_t px, px_prev;
if (
data == NULL || out_len == NULL || desc == NULL ||
desc->width == 0 || desc->height == 0 ||
desc->channels < 3 || desc->channels > 4 ||
desc->colorspace > 1 ||
desc->height >= QOI_PIXELS_MAX / desc->width
) {
return NULL;
max_size =
desc->width * desc->height * (desc->channels + 1) +
QOI_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(qoi_padding);
p = 0;
bytes = (unsigned char *) QOI_MALLOC(max_size);
if (!bytes) {
return NULL;
qoi_write_32(bytes, &p, QOI_MAGIC);
qoi_write_32(bytes, &p, desc->width);
qoi_write_32(bytes, &p, desc->height);
bytes[p++] = desc->channels;
bytes[p++] = desc->colorspace;
pixels = (const unsigned char *)data;
run = 0;
px_prev.rgba.r = 0;
px_prev.rgba.g = 0;
px_prev.rgba.b = 0;
px_prev.rgba.a = 255;
px = px_prev;
px_len = desc->width * desc->height * desc->channels;
px_end = px_len - desc->channels;
channels = desc->channels;
for (px_pos = 0; px_pos < px_len; px_pos += channels) {
px.rgba.r = pixels[px_pos + 0];
px.rgba.g = pixels[px_pos + 1];
px.rgba.b = pixels[px_pos + 2];
if (channels == 4) {
px.rgba.a = pixels[px_pos + 3];
if (px.v == px_prev.v) {
if (run == 62 || px_pos == px_end) {
bytes[p++] = QOI_OP_RUN | (run - 1);
run = 0;
else {
int index_pos;
if (run > 0) {
bytes[p++] = QOI_OP_RUN | (run - 1);
run = 0;
index_pos = QOI_COLOR_HASH(px) % 64;
if (index[index_pos].v == px.v) {
bytes[p++] = QOI_OP_INDEX | index_pos;
else {
index[index_pos] = px;
if (px.rgba.a == px_prev.rgba.a) {
signed char vr = px.rgba.r - px_prev.rgba.r;
signed char vg = px.rgba.g - px_prev.rgba.g;
signed char vb = px.rgba.b - px_prev.rgba.b;
signed char vg_r = vr - vg;
signed char vg_b = vb - vg;
if (
vr > -3 && vr < 2 &&
vg > -3 && vg < 2 &&
vb > -3 && vb < 2
) {
bytes[p++] = QOI_OP_DIFF | (vr + 2) << 4 | (vg + 2) << 2 | (vb + 2);
else if (
vg_r > -9 && vg_r < 8 &&
vg > -33 && vg < 32 &&
vg_b > -9 && vg_b < 8
) {
bytes[p++] = QOI_OP_LUMA | (vg + 32);
bytes[p++] = (vg_r + 8) << 4 | (vg_b + 8);
else {
bytes[p++] = QOI_OP_RGB;
bytes[p++] = px.rgba.r;
bytes[p++] = px.rgba.g;
bytes[p++] = px.rgba.b;
else {
bytes[p++] = QOI_OP_RGBA;
bytes[p++] = px.rgba.r;
bytes[p++] = px.rgba.g;
bytes[p++] = px.rgba.b;
bytes[p++] = px.rgba.a;
px_prev = px;
for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(qoi_padding); i++) {
bytes[p++] = qoi_padding[i];
*out_len = p;
return bytes;
void *qoi_decode(const void *data, int size, qoi_desc *desc, int channels) {
const unsigned char *bytes;
unsigned int header_magic;
unsigned char *pixels;
qoi_rgba_t index[64];
qoi_rgba_t px;
int px_len, chunks_len, px_pos;
int p = 0, run = 0;
if (
data == NULL || desc == NULL ||
(channels != 0 && channels != 3 && channels != 4) ||
size < QOI_HEADER_SIZE + (int)sizeof(qoi_padding)
) {
return NULL;
bytes = (const unsigned char *)data;
header_magic = qoi_read_32(bytes, &p);
desc->width = qoi_read_32(bytes, &p);
desc->height = qoi_read_32(bytes, &p);
desc->channels = bytes[p++];
desc->colorspace = bytes[p++];
if (
desc->width == 0 || desc->height == 0 ||
desc->channels < 3 || desc->channels > 4 ||
desc->colorspace > 1 ||
header_magic != QOI_MAGIC ||
desc->height >= QOI_PIXELS_MAX / desc->width
) {
return NULL;
if (channels == 0) {
channels = desc->channels;
px_len = desc->width * desc->height * channels;
pixels = (unsigned char *) QOI_MALLOC(px_len);
if (!pixels) {
return NULL;
px.rgba.r = 0;
px.rgba.g = 0;
px.rgba.b = 0;
px.rgba.a = 255;
chunks_len = size - (int)sizeof(qoi_padding);
for (px_pos = 0; px_pos < px_len; px_pos += channels) {
if (run > 0) {
else if (p < chunks_len) {
int b1 = bytes[p++];
if (b1 == QOI_OP_RGB) {
px.rgba.r = bytes[p++];
px.rgba.g = bytes[p++];
px.rgba.b = bytes[p++];
else if (b1 == QOI_OP_RGBA) {
px.rgba.r = bytes[p++];
px.rgba.g = bytes[p++];
px.rgba.b = bytes[p++];
px.rgba.a = bytes[p++];
else if ((b1 & QOI_MASK_2) == QOI_OP_INDEX) {
px = index[b1];
else if ((b1 & QOI_MASK_2) == QOI_OP_DIFF) {
px.rgba.r += ((b1 >> 4) & 0x03) - 2;
px.rgba.g += ((b1 >> 2) & 0x03) - 2;
px.rgba.b += ( b1 & 0x03) - 2;
else if ((b1 & QOI_MASK_2) == QOI_OP_LUMA) {
int b2 = bytes[p++];
int vg = (b1 & 0x3f) - 32;
px.rgba.r += vg - 8 + ((b2 >> 4) & 0x0f);
px.rgba.g += vg;
px.rgba.b += vg - 8 + (b2 & 0x0f);
else if ((b1 & QOI_MASK_2) == QOI_OP_RUN) {
run = (b1 & 0x3f);
index[QOI_COLOR_HASH(px) % 64] = px;
pixels[px_pos + 0] = px.rgba.r;
pixels[px_pos + 1] = px.rgba.g;
pixels[px_pos + 2] = px.rgba.b;
if (channels == 4) {
pixels[px_pos + 3] = px.rgba.a;
return pixels;
#ifndef QOI_NO_STDIO
#include <stdio.h>
int qoi_write(const char *filename, const void *data, const qoi_desc *desc) {
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb");
int size, err;
void *encoded;
if (!f) {
return 0;
encoded = qoi_encode(data, desc, &size);
if (!encoded) {
return 0;
fwrite(encoded, 1, size, f);
err = ferror(f);
return err ? 0 : size;
void *qoi_read(const char *filename, qoi_desc *desc, int channels) {
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb");
int size, bytes_read;
void *pixels, *data;
if (!f) {
return NULL;
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(f);
if (size <= 0 || fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
return NULL;
data = QOI_MALLOC(size);
if (!data) {
return NULL;
bytes_read = fread(data, 1, size, f);
pixels = (bytes_read != size) ? NULL : qoi_decode(data, bytes_read, desc, channels);
return pixels;
#endif /* QOI_NO_STDIO */

external/qoi/qoi/qoibench.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
Copyright (c) 2021, Dominic Szablewski -
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Simple benchmark suite for png, stbi and qoi
Requires libpng, "stb_image.h" and "stb_image_write.h"
Compile with:
gcc qoibench.c -std=gnu99 -lpng -O3 -o qoibench
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <png.h>
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include "qoi.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cross platform high resolution timer
// From
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(__linux)
#include <time.h>
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
static uint64_t ns() {
static uint64_t is_init = 0;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
static mach_timebase_info_data_t info;
if (0 == is_init) {
is_init = 1;
uint64_t now;
now = mach_absolute_time();
now *= info.numer;
now /= info.denom;
return now;
#elif defined(__linux)
static struct timespec linux_rate;
if (0 == is_init) {
clock_getres(CLOCKID, &linux_rate);
is_init = 1;
uint64_t now;
struct timespec spec;
clock_gettime(CLOCKID, &spec);
now = spec.tv_sec * 1.0e9 + spec.tv_nsec;
return now;
#elif defined(_WIN32)
static LARGE_INTEGER win_frequency;
if (0 == is_init) {
is_init = 1;
return (uint64_t) ((1e9 * now.QuadPart) / win_frequency.QuadPart);
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define ERROR(...) printf("abort at line " TOSTRING(__LINE__) ": " __VA_ARGS__); printf("\n"); exit(1)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// libpng encode/decode wrappers
// Seriously, who thought this was a good abstraction for an API to read/write
// images?
typedef struct {
int size;
int capacity;
unsigned char *data;
} libpng_write_t;
void libpng_encode_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length) {
libpng_write_t *write_data = (libpng_write_t*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr);
if (write_data->size + length >= write_data->capacity) {
ERROR("PNG write");
memcpy(write_data->data + write_data->size, data, length);
write_data->size += length;
void *libpng_encode(void *pixels, int w, int h, int channels, int *out_len) {
png_structp png = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!png) {
png_infop info = png_create_info_struct(png);
if (!info) {
if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) {
// Output is 8bit depth, RGBA format.
w, h,
png_bytep row_pointers[h];
for(int y = 0; y < h; y++){
row_pointers[y] = ((unsigned char *)pixels + y * w * channels);
libpng_write_t write_data = {
.size = 0,
.capacity = w * h * channels,
.data = malloc(w * h * channels)
png_set_rows(png, info, row_pointers);
png_set_write_fn(png, &write_data, libpng_encode_callback, NULL);
png_write_png(png, info, PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY, NULL);
png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &info);
*out_len = write_data.size;
typedef struct {
int pos;
int size;
unsigned char *data;
} libpng_read_t;
void png_decode_callback(png_structp png, png_bytep data, png_size_t length) {
libpng_read_t *read_data = (libpng_read_t*)png_get_io_ptr(png);
if (read_data->pos + length > read_data->size) {
ERROR("PNG read %ld bytes at pos %d (size: %d)", length, read_data->pos, read_data->size);
memcpy(data, read_data->data + read_data->pos, length);
read_data->pos += length;
void png_warning_callback(png_structp png_ptr, png_const_charp warning_msg) {
// Ignore warnings about sRGB profiles and such.
void *libpng_decode(void *data, int size, int *out_w, int *out_h) {
png_structp png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, png_warning_callback);
if (!png) {
png_infop info = png_create_info_struct(png);
if (!info) {
libpng_read_t read_data = {
.pos = 0,
.size = size,
.data = data
png_set_read_fn(png, &read_data, png_decode_callback);
png_set_sig_bytes(png, 0);
png_read_info(png, info);
png_uint_32 w, h;
int bitDepth, colorType, interlaceType;
png_get_IHDR(png, info, &w, &h, &bitDepth, &colorType, &interlaceType, NULL, NULL);
// 16 bit -> 8 bit
// 1, 2, 4 bit -> 8 bit
if (bitDepth < 8) {
if (colorType & PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE) {
if (!(colorType & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR)) {
// set paletted or RGB images with transparency to full alpha so we get RGBA
if (png_get_valid(png, info, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
// make sure every pixel has an alpha value
if (!(colorType & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA)) {
png_set_filler(png, 255, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
png_read_update_info(png, info);
unsigned char* out = malloc(w * h * 4);
*out_w = w;
*out_h = h;
// png_uint_32 rowBytes = png_get_rowbytes(png, info);
png_bytep row_pointers[h];
for (png_uint_32 row = 0; row < h; row++ ) {
row_pointers[row] = (png_bytep)(out + (row * w * 4));
png_read_image(png, row_pointers);
png_read_end(png, info);
png_destroy_read_struct( &png, &info, NULL);
return out;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// stb_image encode callback
void stbi_write_callback(void *context, void *data, int size) {
int *encoded_size = (int *)context;
*encoded_size += size;
// In theory we'd need to do another malloc(), memcpy() and free() here to
// be fair to the other decode functions...
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// function to load a whole file into memory
void *fload(const char *path, int *out_size) {
FILE *fh = fopen(path, "rb");
if (!fh) {
ERROR("Can't open file");
fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END);
int size = ftell(fh);
fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET);
void *buffer = malloc(size);
if (!buffer) {
ERROR("Malloc for %d bytes failed", size);
if (!fread(buffer, size, 1, fh)) {
ERROR("Can't read file %s", path);
*out_size = size;
return buffer;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// benchmark runner
int opt_runs = 1;
int opt_nopng = 0;
int opt_nowarmup = 0;
int opt_noverify = 0;
int opt_nodecode = 0;
int opt_noencode = 0;
int opt_norecurse = 0;
int opt_onlytotals = 0;
enum {
BENCH_COUNT /* must be the last element */
static const char *const lib_names[BENCH_COUNT] = {
// NOTE: pad with spaces so everything lines up properly
[LIBPNG] = "libpng: ",
[STBI] = "stbi: ",
[QOI] = "qoi: ",
typedef struct {
uint64_t size;
uint64_t encode_time;
uint64_t decode_time;
} benchmark_lib_result_t;
typedef struct {
int count;
uint64_t raw_size;
uint64_t px;
int w;
int h;
benchmark_lib_result_t libs[BENCH_COUNT];
} benchmark_result_t;
void benchmark_print_result(benchmark_result_t res) {
res.px /= res.count;
res.raw_size /= res.count;
double px = res.px;
printf(" decode ms encode ms decode mpps encode mpps size kb rate\n");
for (int i = 0; i < BENCH_COUNT; ++i) {
if (opt_nopng && (i == LIBPNG || i == STBI)) {
res.libs[i].encode_time /= res.count;
res.libs[i].decode_time /= res.count;
res.libs[i].size /= res.count;
"%s %8.1f %8.1f %8.2f %8.2f %8ld %4.1f%%\n",
(res.libs[i].decode_time > 0 ? px / ((double)res.libs[i].decode_time/1000.0) : 0),
(res.libs[i].encode_time > 0 ? px / ((double)res.libs[i].encode_time/1000.0) : 0),
((double)res.libs[i].size/(double)res.raw_size) * 100.0
// Run __VA_ARGS__ a number of times and measure the time taken. The first
// run is ignored.
do { \
uint64_t time = 0; \
for (int i = NOWARMUP; i <= RUNS; i++) { \
uint64_t time_start = ns(); \
__VA_ARGS__ \
uint64_t time_end = ns(); \
if (i > 0) { \
time += time_end - time_start; \
} \
} \
AVG_TIME = time / RUNS; \
} while (0)
benchmark_result_t benchmark_image(const char *path) {
int encoded_png_size;
int encoded_qoi_size;
int w;
int h;
int channels;
// Load the encoded PNG, encoded QOI and raw pixels into memory
if(!stbi_info(path, &w, &h, &channels)) {
ERROR("Error decoding header %s", path);
if (channels != 3) {
channels = 4;
void *pixels = (void *)stbi_load(path, &w, &h, NULL, channels);
void *encoded_png = fload(path, &encoded_png_size);
void *encoded_qoi = qoi_encode(pixels, &(qoi_desc){
.width = w,
.height = h,
.channels = channels,
.colorspace = QOI_SRGB
}, &encoded_qoi_size);
if (!pixels || !encoded_qoi || !encoded_png) {
ERROR("Error encoding %s", path);
// Verify QOI Output
if (!opt_noverify) {
qoi_desc dc;
void *pixels_qoi = qoi_decode(encoded_qoi, encoded_qoi_size, &dc, channels);
if (memcmp(pixels, pixels_qoi, w * h * channels) != 0) {
ERROR("QOI roundtrip pixel mismatch for %s", path);
benchmark_result_t res = {0};
res.count = 1;
res.raw_size = w * h * channels;
res.px = w * h;
res.w = w;
res.h = h;
// Decoding
if (!opt_nodecode) {
if (!opt_nopng) {
BENCHMARK_FN(opt_nowarmup, opt_runs, res.libs[LIBPNG].decode_time, {
int dec_w, dec_h;
void *dec_p = libpng_decode(encoded_png, encoded_png_size, &dec_w, &dec_h);
BENCHMARK_FN(opt_nowarmup, opt_runs, res.libs[STBI].decode_time, {
int dec_w, dec_h, dec_channels;
void *dec_p = stbi_load_from_memory(encoded_png, encoded_png_size, &dec_w, &dec_h, &dec_channels, 4);
BENCHMARK_FN(opt_nowarmup, opt_runs, res.libs[QOI].decode_time, {
qoi_desc desc;
void *dec_p = qoi_decode(encoded_qoi, encoded_qoi_size, &desc, 4);
// Encoding
if (!opt_noencode) {
if (!opt_nopng) {
BENCHMARK_FN(opt_nowarmup, opt_runs, res.libs[LIBPNG].encode_time, {
int enc_size;
void *enc_p = libpng_encode(pixels, w, h, channels, &enc_size);
res.libs[LIBPNG].size = enc_size;
BENCHMARK_FN(opt_nowarmup, opt_runs, res.libs[STBI].encode_time, {
int enc_size = 0;
stbi_write_png_to_func(stbi_write_callback, &enc_size, w, h, channels, pixels, 0);
res.libs[STBI].size = enc_size;
BENCHMARK_FN(opt_nowarmup, opt_runs, res.libs[QOI].encode_time, {
int enc_size;
void *enc_p = qoi_encode(pixels, &(qoi_desc){
.width = w,
.height = h,
.channels = channels,
.colorspace = QOI_SRGB
}, &enc_size);
res.libs[QOI].size = enc_size;
return res;
void benchmark_directory(const char *path, benchmark_result_t *grand_total) {
DIR *dir = opendir(path);
if (!dir) {
ERROR("Couldn't open directory %s", path);
struct dirent *file;
if (!opt_norecurse) {
for (int i = 0; (file = readdir(dir)) != NULL; i++) {
if (
file->d_type & DT_DIR &&
strcmp(file->d_name, ".") != 0 &&
strcmp(file->d_name, "..") != 0
) {
char subpath[1024];
snprintf(subpath, 1024, "%s/%s", path, file->d_name);
benchmark_directory(subpath, grand_total);
benchmark_result_t dir_total = {0};
int has_shown_head = 0;
for (int i = 0; (file = readdir(dir)) != NULL; i++) {
if (strcmp(file->d_name + strlen(file->d_name) - 4, ".png") != 0) {
if (!has_shown_head) {
has_shown_head = 1;
printf("## Benchmarking %s/*.png -- %d runs\n\n", path, opt_runs);
char *file_path = malloc(strlen(file->d_name) + strlen(path)+8);
sprintf(file_path, "%s/%s", path, file->d_name);
benchmark_result_t res = benchmark_image(file_path);
if (!opt_onlytotals) {
printf("## %s size: %dx%d\n", file_path, res.w, res.h);
dir_total.raw_size += res.raw_size;
dir_total.px += res.px;
for (int i = 0; i < BENCH_COUNT; ++i) {
dir_total.libs[i].encode_time += res.libs[i].encode_time;
dir_total.libs[i].decode_time += res.libs[i].decode_time;
dir_total.libs[i].size += res.libs[i].size;
grand_total->raw_size += res.raw_size;
grand_total->px += res.px;
for (int i = 0; i < BENCH_COUNT; ++i) {
grand_total->libs[i].encode_time += res.libs[i].encode_time;
grand_total->libs[i].decode_time += res.libs[i].decode_time;
grand_total->libs[i].size += res.libs[i].size;
if (dir_total.count > 0) {
printf("## Total for %s\n", path);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 3) {
printf("Usage: qoibench <iterations> <directory> [options]\n");
printf(" --nowarmup ... don't perform a warmup run\n");
printf(" --nopng ...... don't run png encode/decode\n");
printf(" --noverify ... don't verify qoi roundtrip\n");
printf(" --noencode ... don't run encoders\n");
printf(" --nodecode ... don't run decoders\n");
printf(" --norecurse .. don't descend into directories\n");
printf(" --onlytotals . don't print individual image results\n");
printf(" qoibench 10 images/textures/\n");
printf(" qoibench 1 images/textures/ --nopng --nowarmup\n");
for (int i = 3; i < argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "--nowarmup") == 0) { opt_nowarmup = 1; }
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--nopng") == 0) { opt_nopng = 1; }
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--noverify") == 0) { opt_noverify = 1; }
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--noencode") == 0) { opt_noencode = 1; }
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--nodecode") == 0) { opt_nodecode = 1; }
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--norecurse") == 0) { opt_norecurse = 1; }
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--onlytotals") == 0) { opt_onlytotals = 1; }
else { ERROR("Unknown option %s", argv[i]); }
opt_runs = atoi(argv[1]);
if (opt_runs <=0) {
ERROR("Invalid number of runs %d", opt_runs);
benchmark_result_t grand_total = {0};
benchmark_directory(argv[2], &grand_total);
if (grand_total.count > 0) {
printf("# Grand total for %s\n", argv[2]);
else {
printf("No images found in %s\n", argv[2]);
return 0;

external/qoi/qoi/qoiconv.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Copyright (c) 2021, Dominic Szablewski -
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Command line tool to convert between png <> qoi format
-"stb_image.h" (
-"stb_image_write.h" (
-"qoi.h" (
Compile with:
gcc qoiconv.c -std=c99 -O3 -o qoiconv
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include "qoi.h"
#define STR_ENDS_WITH(S, E) (strcmp(S + strlen(S) - (sizeof(E)-1), E) == 0)
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 3) {
puts("Usage: qoiconv <infile> <outfile>");
puts(" qoiconv input.png output.qoi");
puts(" qoiconv input.qoi output.png");
void *pixels = NULL;
int w, h, channels;
if (STR_ENDS_WITH(argv[1], ".png")) {
if(!stbi_info(argv[1], &w, &h, &channels)) {
printf("Couldn't read header %s\n", argv[1]);
// Force all odd encodings to be RGBA
if(channels != 3) {
channels = 4;
pixels = (void *)stbi_load(argv[1], &w, &h, NULL, channels);
else if (STR_ENDS_WITH(argv[1], ".qoi")) {
qoi_desc desc;
pixels = qoi_read(argv[1], &desc, 0);
channels = desc.channels;
w = desc.width;
h = desc.height;
if (pixels == NULL) {
printf("Couldn't load/decode %s\n", argv[1]);
int encoded = 0;
if (STR_ENDS_WITH(argv[2], ".png")) {
encoded = stbi_write_png(argv[2], w, h, channels, pixels, 0);
else if (STR_ENDS_WITH(argv[2], ".qoi")) {
encoded = qoi_write(argv[2], pixels, &(qoi_desc){
.width = w,
.height = h,
.channels = channels,
.colorspace = QOI_SRGB
if (!encoded) {
printf("Couldn't write/encode %s\n", argv[2]);
return 0;

external/qoi/qoi/qoifuzz.c vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Copyright (c) 2021, Dominic Szablewski -
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
clang fuzzing harness for qoi_decode
Compile and run with:
clang -fsanitize=address,fuzzer -g -O0 qoifuzz.c && ./a.out
#include "qoi.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
int w, h;
if (size < 4) {
return 0;
qoi_desc desc;
void* decoded = qoi_decode((void*)(data + 4), (int)(size - 4), &desc, *((int *)data));
if (decoded != NULL) {
return 0;