extract renderChatLog from render
Some checks failed
ContinuousDelivery / linux-ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / android (map[ndk_abi:arm64-v8a vcpkg_toolkit:arm64-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / android (map[ndk_abi:armeabi-v7a vcpkg_toolkit:arm-neon-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / android (map[ndk_abi:x86_64 vcpkg_toolkit:x64-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / windows (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / windows-asan (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / linux (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / android (map[ndk_abi:arm64-v8a vcpkg_toolkit:arm64-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / android (map[ndk_abi:armeabi-v7a vcpkg_toolkit:arm-neon-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / android (map[ndk_abi:x86_64 vcpkg_toolkit:x64-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / macos (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / windows (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / dumpsyms (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / release (push) Has been cancelled
Some checks failed
ContinuousDelivery / linux-ubuntu (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / android (map[ndk_abi:arm64-v8a vcpkg_toolkit:arm64-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / android (map[ndk_abi:armeabi-v7a vcpkg_toolkit:arm-neon-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / android (map[ndk_abi:x86_64 vcpkg_toolkit:x64-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / windows (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / windows-asan (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / linux (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / android (map[ndk_abi:arm64-v8a vcpkg_toolkit:arm64-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / android (map[ndk_abi:armeabi-v7a vcpkg_toolkit:arm-neon-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / android (map[ndk_abi:x86_64 vcpkg_toolkit:x64-android]) (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / macos (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousIntegration / windows (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / dumpsyms (push) Has been cancelled
ContinuousDelivery / release (push) Has been cancelled
This commit is contained in:
@ -271,7 +271,6 @@ float ChatGui4::render(float time_delta, bool window_hidden, bool window_focused
sub_contacts = &cr.get<Contact::Components::ParentOf>(*_selected_contact).subs;
const bool highlight_private {!cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagPrivate>(*_selected_contact)};
if (ImGui::BeginChild(chat_label.c_str(), {0, 0}, ImGuiChildFlags_Border, ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar)) {
if (ImGui::BeginMenuBar()) {
@ -457,37 +456,10 @@ float ChatGui4::render(float time_delta, bool window_hidden, bool window_focused
//auto a_max = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail();
//ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddImage(0, p_min, {p_min.x+a_max.x, p_min.y+a_max.y});
// do systems TODO: extract
auto* msg_reg_ptr = _rmm.get(*_selected_contact);
constexpr ImGuiTableFlags table_flags =
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerV |
ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg |
if (msg_reg_ptr != nullptr && ImGui::BeginTable("chat_table", 5, table_flags)) {
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("name", 0, TEXT_BASE_WIDTH * 16.f);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("message", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("extra_info", _show_chat_extra_info ? ImGuiTableColumnFlags_None : ImGuiTableColumnFlags_Disabled);
Message3Handle message_view_oldest; // oldest visible message
Message3Handle message_view_newest; // last visible message
// very hacky, and we have variable hight entries
//ImGuiListClipper clipper;
// fake empty placeholders
// TODO: save/calc height for each row
// - use number of lines for text
// - save img dims (capped)
// - other static sizes
//ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
//ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
Message3Registry& msg_reg = *msg_reg_ptr;
// do systems TODO: extract
if (msg_reg_ptr != nullptr) {
auto& msg_reg = *msg_reg_ptr;
if (window_focused) { // fade system
std::vector<Message3> to_remove;
msg_reg.view<Components::UnreadFade>().each([&to_remove, time_delta](const Message3 e, Components::UnreadFade& fade) {
@ -500,356 +472,8 @@ float ChatGui4::render(float time_delta, bool window_hidden, bool window_focused
msg_reg.remove<Message::Components::TagUnread, Components::UnreadFade>(to_remove.cbegin(), to_remove.cend());
//auto tmp_view = msg_reg.view<Message::Components::ContactFrom, Message::Components::ContactTo, Message::Components::Timestamp>();
//tmp_view.each([&](const Message3 e, Message::Components::ContactFrom& c_from, Message::Components::ContactTo& c_to, Message::Components::Timestamp ts
//) {
//uint64_t prev_ts {0};
Components::ConvertedTimeCache prev_time {};
auto tmp_view = msg_reg.view<Message::Components::Timestamp>();
for (auto view_it = tmp_view.rbegin(), view_last = tmp_view.rend(); view_it != view_last; view_it++) {
const Message3 e = *view_it;
// manually filter ("reverse" iteration <.<)
if (!msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::ContactFrom, Message::Components::ContactTo>(e)) {
Message::Components::ContactFrom& c_from = msg_reg.get<Message::Components::ContactFrom>(e);
Message::Components::ContactTo& c_to = msg_reg.get<Message::Components::ContactTo>(e);
Message::Components::Timestamp ts = tmp_view.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>(e);
// TODO: why?
ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
if (msg_reg.all_of<Components::ConvertedTimeCache>(e)) { // check if date changed
// TODO: move conversion up?
const auto& next_time = msg_reg.get<Components::ConvertedTimeCache>(e);
if (
prev_time.tm_yday != next_time.tm_yday ||
prev_time.tm_year != next_time.tm_year // making sure
) {
// name
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
// msg
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
ImGui::TextDisabled("DATE CHANGED from %d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d",
1900+prev_time.tm_year, 1+prev_time.tm_mon, prev_time.tm_mday,
1900+next_time.tm_year, 1+next_time.tm_mon, next_time.tm_mday
ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
prev_time = next_time;
// name
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
const float img_y {TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT - ImGui::GetStyle().FramePadding.y*2};
renderAvatar(_theme, _contact_tc, {cr, c_from.c}, {img_y, img_y});
ImGui::SameLine(0.f, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x*0.5f);
if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::Name>(c_from.c)) {
} else {
// use username as visibility test
if (ImGui::IsItemVisible()) {
if (msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::TagUnread>(e)) {
if (!msg_reg.all_of<Components::UnreadFade>(e)) {
if (msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::Read>(e)) {
// skip fade, we might get here by merging
} else {
// get time now
const uint64_t ts_now = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
msg_reg.emplace_or_replace<Message::Components::Read>(e, ts_now);
msg_reg.emplace_or_replace<Components::UnreadFade>(e, 1.f);
_rmm.throwEventUpdate(msg_reg, e);
} else if (window_focused) {
// remove unread early, when we focus the window
_rmm.throwEventUpdate(msg_reg, e);
// track view
if (!static_cast<bool>(message_view_oldest)) {
message_view_oldest = {msg_reg, e};
message_view_newest = {msg_reg, e};
} else if (static_cast<bool>(message_view_newest)) {
// update to latest
message_view_newest = {msg_reg, e};
// highlight self
if (cr.any_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfWeak, Contact::Components::TagSelfStrong>(c_from.c)) {
ImU32 cell_bg_color = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImVec4(0.3f, 0.7f, 0.3f, 0.20f));
ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg, cell_bg_color);
} else {
//based on power level?
//ImU32 cell_bg_color = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImVec4(0.3f, 0.7f, 0.3f, 0.65f));
//ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg, cell_bg_color);
std::optional<ImVec4> row_bg;
// private group message
if (highlight_private && cr.any_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfWeak, Contact::Components::TagSelfStrong>(c_to.c)) {
const ImVec4 priv_msg_hi_col = ImVec4(0.5f, 0.2f, 0.5f, 0.35f);
ImU32 row_bg_color = ImGui::GetColorU32(priv_msg_hi_col);
ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg1, row_bg_color);
row_bg = priv_msg_hi_col;
// fade
if (msg_reg.all_of<Components::UnreadFade>(e)) {
ImVec4 hi_color = ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered);
hi_color.w = 0.8f;
const ImVec4 orig_color = row_bg.value_or(ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_TableRowBg)); // imgui defaults to 0,0,0,0
const float fade_frac = msg_reg.get<Components::UnreadFade>(e).fade;
ImVec4 res_color{
lerp(orig_color.x, hi_color.x, fade_frac),
lerp(orig_color.y, hi_color.y, fade_frac),
lerp(orig_color.z, hi_color.z, fade_frac),
lerp(orig_color.w, hi_color.w, fade_frac),
ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg1, ImGui::GetColorU32(res_color));
// content (msgtext/file)
if (msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::MessageText>(e)) {
renderMessageBodyText(msg_reg, e);
} else if (msg_reg.any_of<Message::Components::MessageFileObject>(e)) {
renderMessageBodyFile(msg_reg, e);
} else {
// remote received and read state
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
// TODO: theming for hardcoded values
if (!msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::ReceivedBy>(e)) {
// TODO: dedup?
} else {
const auto& list = msg_reg.get<Message::Components::ReceivedBy>(e).ts;
// wrongly assumes contacts never get removed from a group
if (sub_contacts != nullptr && list.size() < sub_contacts->size()) {
// if partically delivered
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4{0.8f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.7f}, "d");
} else {
// if fully delivered
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4{0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.7f}, "D");
if (ImGui::BeginItemTooltip()) {
std::string synced_by_text {"delivery confirmed by:"};
const int64_t now_ts_s = int64_t(getTimeMS() / 1000u);
size_t other_contacts {0};
for (const auto& [c, syned_ts] : list) {
if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfStrong>(c)) {
//synced_by_text += "\n sself(!)"; // makes no sense
} else if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfWeak>(c)) {
synced_by_text += "\n wself"; // TODO: add name?
} else {
synced_by_text += "\n >" + (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::Name>(c) ? cr.get<Contact::Components::Name>(c).name : "<unk>");
other_contacts += 1;
const int64_t seconds_ago = (int64_t(syned_ts / 1000u) - now_ts_s) * -1;
synced_by_text += " (" + std::to_string(seconds_ago) + "sec ago)";
if (other_contacts > 0) {
ImGui::Text("%s", synced_by_text.c_str());
} else {
ImGui::TextUnformatted("no delivery confirmation");
// TODO: dedup
if (msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::ReadBy>(e)) {
const auto list = msg_reg.get<Message::Components::ReadBy>(e).ts;
// wrongly assumes contacts never get removed from a group
if (sub_contacts != nullptr && list.size() < sub_contacts->size()) {
// if partially read
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4{0.8f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.7f}, "r");
} else {
// if fully read
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4{0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.7f}, "R");
if (ImGui::BeginItemTooltip()) {
std::string synced_by_text {"read confirmed by:"};
const int64_t now_ts_s = int64_t(getTimeMS() / 1000u);
for (const auto& [c, syned_ts] : list) {
if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfStrong>(c)) {
//synced_by_text += "\n sself(!)"; // makes no sense
} else if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfWeak>(c)) {
synced_by_text += "\n wself";
} else {
synced_by_text += "\n >" + (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::Name>(c) ? cr.get<Contact::Components::Name>(c).name : "<unk>");
const int64_t seconds_ago = (int64_t(syned_ts / 1000u) - now_ts_s) * -1;
synced_by_text += " (" + std::to_string(seconds_ago) + "sec ago)";
ImGui::Text("%s", synced_by_text.c_str());
} else {
// ts
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
if (!msg_reg.all_of<Components::ConvertedTimeCache>(e)) {
auto time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::milliseconds>{std::chrono::milliseconds{ts.ts}}
auto localtime = std::localtime(&time);
const auto& ctc = msg_reg.get<Components::ConvertedTimeCache>(e);
ImGui::Text("%.2d:%.2d", ctc.tm_hour, ctc.tm_min);
// extra
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
renderMessageExtra(msg_reg, e);
ImGui::PopID(); // ent
// fake empty placeholders
//ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
//ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
{ // update view cursers
if (!msg_reg.ctx().contains<Context::CGView>()) {
auto& cg_view = msg_reg.ctx().get<Context::CGView>();
// any message in view
if (!static_cast<bool>(message_view_oldest)) {
// no message in view, we setup a view at current time, so the next frags are loaded
if (!static_cast<bool>(cg_view.begin) || !static_cast<bool>(cg_view.end)) {
// fix invalid state
if (static_cast<bool>(cg_view.begin)) {
if (static_cast<bool>(cg_view.end)) {
// create new
cg_view.begin = {msg_reg, msg_reg.create()};
cg_view.end = {msg_reg, msg_reg.create()};
cg_view.begin.get_or_emplace<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts = getTimeMS();
cg_view.end.get_or_emplace<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts = getTimeMS();
std::cout << "CG: created view FRONT begin ts\n";
std::cout << "CG: created view FRONT end ts\n";
} // else? we do nothing?
} else {
bool begincreated {false};
if (!static_cast<bool>(cg_view.begin)) {
cg_view.begin = {msg_reg, msg_reg.create()};
begincreated = true;
bool endcreated {false};
if (!static_cast<bool>(cg_view.end)) {
cg_view.end = {msg_reg, msg_reg.create()};
endcreated = true;
auto& old_begin_ts = cg_view.begin.get_or_emplace<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts;
if (old_begin_ts != message_view_newest.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts) {
old_begin_ts = message_view_newest.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts;
if (begincreated) {
std::cout << "CG: created view begin ts with " << old_begin_ts << "\n";
} else {
//std::cout << "CG: updated view begin ts to " << old_begin_ts << "\n";
auto& old_end_ts = cg_view.end.get_or_emplace<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts;
if (old_end_ts != message_view_oldest.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts) {
old_end_ts = message_view_oldest.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts;
if (endcreated) {
std::cout << "CG: created view end ts with " << old_end_ts << "\n";
} else {
//std::cout << "CG: updated view end ts to " << old_end_ts << "\n";
if (ImGui::GetScrollY() >= ImGui::GetScrollMaxY()) {
renderChatLog(*_selected_contact, window_focused, sub_contacts);
@ -1044,6 +668,392 @@ void ChatGui4::sendFilePath(std::string_view file_path) {
void ChatGui4::renderChatLog(Contact4 c, bool window_focused, const std::vector<Contact4>* sub_contacts) {
auto* msg_reg_ptr = _rmm.get(c);
constexpr ImGuiTableFlags table_flags =
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerV |
ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg |
if (msg_reg_ptr != nullptr && ImGui::BeginTable("chat_table", 5, table_flags)) {
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("name", 0, TEXT_BASE_WIDTH * 16.f);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("message", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch);
ImGui::TableSetupColumn("extra_info", _show_chat_extra_info ? ImGuiTableColumnFlags_None : ImGuiTableColumnFlags_Disabled);
Message3Handle message_view_oldest; // oldest visible message
Message3Handle message_view_newest; // last visible message
// very hacky, and we have variable hight entries
//ImGuiListClipper clipper;
// fake empty placeholders
// TODO: save/calc height for each row
// - use number of lines for text
// - save img dims (capped)
// - other static sizes
//ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
//ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
Message3Registry& msg_reg = *msg_reg_ptr;
const auto& cr = _cs.registry();
const bool highlight_private {!cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagPrivate>(*_selected_contact)};
//auto tmp_view = msg_reg.view<Message::Components::ContactFrom, Message::Components::ContactTo, Message::Components::Timestamp>();
//tmp_view.each([&](const Message3 e, Message::Components::ContactFrom& c_from, Message::Components::ContactTo& c_to, Message::Components::Timestamp ts
//) {
//uint64_t prev_ts {0};
Components::ConvertedTimeCache prev_time {};
auto tmp_view = msg_reg.view<Message::Components::Timestamp>();
for (auto view_it = tmp_view.rbegin(), view_last = tmp_view.rend(); view_it != view_last; view_it++) {
const Message3 e = *view_it;
// manually filter ("reverse" iteration <.<)
if (!msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::ContactFrom, Message::Components::ContactTo>(e)) {
Message::Components::ContactFrom& c_from = msg_reg.get<Message::Components::ContactFrom>(e);
Message::Components::ContactTo& c_to = msg_reg.get<Message::Components::ContactTo>(e);
Message::Components::Timestamp ts = tmp_view.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>(e);
// TODO: why?
ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
if (msg_reg.all_of<Components::ConvertedTimeCache>(e)) { // check if date changed
// TODO: move conversion up?
const auto& next_time = msg_reg.get<Components::ConvertedTimeCache>(e);
if (
prev_time.tm_yday != next_time.tm_yday ||
prev_time.tm_year != next_time.tm_year // making sure
) {
// name
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
// msg
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
ImGui::TextDisabled("DATE CHANGED from %d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d",
1900+prev_time.tm_year, 1+prev_time.tm_mon, prev_time.tm_mday,
1900+next_time.tm_year, 1+next_time.tm_mon, next_time.tm_mday
ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
prev_time = next_time;
// name
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
const float img_y {TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT - ImGui::GetStyle().FramePadding.y*2};
renderAvatar(_theme, _contact_tc, _cs.contactHandle(c_from.c), {img_y, img_y});
ImGui::SameLine(0.f, ImGui::GetStyle().ItemSpacing.x*0.5f);
if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::Name>(c_from.c)) {
} else {
// use username as visibility test
if (ImGui::IsItemVisible()) {
if (msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::TagUnread>(e)) {
if (!msg_reg.all_of<Components::UnreadFade>(e)) {
if (msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::Read>(e)) {
// skip fade, we might get here by merging
} else {
// get time now
const uint64_t ts_now = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
msg_reg.emplace_or_replace<Message::Components::Read>(e, ts_now);
msg_reg.emplace_or_replace<Components::UnreadFade>(e, 1.f);
_rmm.throwEventUpdate(msg_reg, e);
} else if (window_focused) {
// remove unread early, when we focus the window
_rmm.throwEventUpdate(msg_reg, e);
// track view
if (!static_cast<bool>(message_view_oldest)) {
message_view_oldest = {msg_reg, e};
message_view_newest = {msg_reg, e};
} else if (static_cast<bool>(message_view_newest)) {
// update to latest
message_view_newest = {msg_reg, e};
// highlight self
if (cr.any_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfWeak, Contact::Components::TagSelfStrong>(c_from.c)) {
ImU32 cell_bg_color = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImVec4(0.3f, 0.7f, 0.3f, 0.20f));
ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg, cell_bg_color);
} else {
//based on power level?
//ImU32 cell_bg_color = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImVec4(0.3f, 0.7f, 0.3f, 0.65f));
//ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg, cell_bg_color);
std::optional<ImVec4> row_bg;
// private group message
if (highlight_private && cr.any_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfWeak, Contact::Components::TagSelfStrong>(c_to.c)) {
const ImVec4 priv_msg_hi_col = ImVec4(0.5f, 0.2f, 0.5f, 0.35f);
ImU32 row_bg_color = ImGui::GetColorU32(priv_msg_hi_col);
ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg1, row_bg_color);
row_bg = priv_msg_hi_col;
// fade
if (msg_reg.all_of<Components::UnreadFade>(e)) {
ImVec4 hi_color = ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered);
hi_color.w = 0.8f;
const ImVec4 orig_color = row_bg.value_or(ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_TableRowBg)); // imgui defaults to 0,0,0,0
const float fade_frac = msg_reg.get<Components::UnreadFade>(e).fade;
ImVec4 res_color{
lerp(orig_color.x, hi_color.x, fade_frac),
lerp(orig_color.y, hi_color.y, fade_frac),
lerp(orig_color.z, hi_color.z, fade_frac),
lerp(orig_color.w, hi_color.w, fade_frac),
ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg1, ImGui::GetColorU32(res_color));
// content (msgtext/file)
if (msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::MessageText>(e)) {
renderMessageBodyText(msg_reg, e);
} else if (msg_reg.any_of<Message::Components::MessageFileObject>(e)) {
renderMessageBodyFile(msg_reg, e);
} else {
// remote received and read state
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
// TODO: theming for hardcoded values
if (!msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::ReceivedBy>(e)) {
// TODO: dedup?
} else {
const auto& list = msg_reg.get<Message::Components::ReceivedBy>(e).ts;
// wrongly assumes contacts never get removed from a group
if (sub_contacts != nullptr && list.size() < sub_contacts->size()) {
// if partically delivered
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4{0.8f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.7f}, "d");
} else {
// if fully delivered
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4{0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.7f}, "D");
if (ImGui::BeginItemTooltip()) {
std::string synced_by_text {"delivery confirmed by:"};
const int64_t now_ts_s = int64_t(getTimeMS() / 1000u);
size_t other_contacts {0};
for (const auto& [cd, syned_ts] : list) {
if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfStrong>(cd)) {
//synced_by_text += "\n sself(!)"; // makes no sense
} else if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfWeak>(cd)) {
synced_by_text += "\n wself"; // TODO: add name?
} else {
synced_by_text += "\n >" + (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::Name>(cd) ? cr.get<Contact::Components::Name>(cd).name : "<unk>");
other_contacts += 1;
const int64_t seconds_ago = (int64_t(syned_ts / 1000u) - now_ts_s) * -1;
synced_by_text += " (" + std::to_string(seconds_ago) + "sec ago)";
if (other_contacts > 0) {
ImGui::Text("%s", synced_by_text.c_str());
} else {
ImGui::TextUnformatted("no delivery confirmation");
// TODO: dedup
if (msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::ReadBy>(e)) {
const auto list = msg_reg.get<Message::Components::ReadBy>(e).ts;
// wrongly assumes contacts never get removed from a group
if (sub_contacts != nullptr && list.size() < sub_contacts->size()) {
// if partially read
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4{0.8f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.7f}, "r");
} else {
// if fully read
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4{0.1f, 0.8f, 0.1f, 0.7f}, "R");
if (ImGui::BeginItemTooltip()) {
std::string synced_by_text {"read confirmed by:"};
const int64_t now_ts_s = int64_t(getTimeMS() / 1000u);
for (const auto& [cd, syned_ts] : list) {
if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfStrong>(cd)) {
//synced_by_text += "\n sself(!)"; // makes no sense
} else if (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::TagSelfWeak>(cd)) {
synced_by_text += "\n wself";
} else {
synced_by_text += "\n >" + (cr.all_of<Contact::Components::Name>(cd) ? cr.get<Contact::Components::Name>(cd).name : "<unk>");
const int64_t seconds_ago = (int64_t(syned_ts / 1000u) - now_ts_s) * -1;
synced_by_text += " (" + std::to_string(seconds_ago) + "sec ago)";
ImGui::Text("%s", synced_by_text.c_str());
} else {
// ts
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
if (!msg_reg.all_of<Components::ConvertedTimeCache>(e)) {
auto time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::milliseconds>{std::chrono::milliseconds{ts.ts}}
auto localtime = std::localtime(&time);
const auto& ctc = msg_reg.get<Components::ConvertedTimeCache>(e);
ImGui::Text("%.2d:%.2d", ctc.tm_hour, ctc.tm_min);
// extra
if (ImGui::TableNextColumn()) {
renderMessageExtra(msg_reg, e);
ImGui::PopID(); // ent
// fake empty placeholders
//ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
//ImGui::TableNextRow(0, TEXT_BASE_HEIGHT);
{ // update view cursers
if (!msg_reg.ctx().contains<Context::CGView>()) {
auto& cg_view = msg_reg.ctx().get<Context::CGView>();
// any message in view
if (!static_cast<bool>(message_view_oldest)) {
// no message in view, we setup a view at current time, so the next frags are loaded
if (!static_cast<bool>(cg_view.begin) || !static_cast<bool>(cg_view.end)) {
// fix invalid state
if (static_cast<bool>(cg_view.begin)) {
if (static_cast<bool>(cg_view.end)) {
// create new
cg_view.begin = {msg_reg, msg_reg.create()};
cg_view.end = {msg_reg, msg_reg.create()};
cg_view.begin.get_or_emplace<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts = getTimeMS();
cg_view.end.get_or_emplace<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts = getTimeMS();
std::cout << "CG: created view FRONT begin ts\n";
std::cout << "CG: created view FRONT end ts\n";
} // else? we do nothing?
} else {
bool begincreated {false};
if (!static_cast<bool>(cg_view.begin)) {
cg_view.begin = {msg_reg, msg_reg.create()};
begincreated = true;
bool endcreated {false};
if (!static_cast<bool>(cg_view.end)) {
cg_view.end = {msg_reg, msg_reg.create()};
endcreated = true;
auto& old_begin_ts = cg_view.begin.get_or_emplace<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts;
if (old_begin_ts != message_view_newest.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts) {
old_begin_ts = message_view_newest.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts;
if (begincreated) {
std::cout << "CG: created view begin ts with " << old_begin_ts << "\n";
} else {
//std::cout << "CG: updated view begin ts to " << old_begin_ts << "\n";
auto& old_end_ts = cg_view.end.get_or_emplace<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts;
if (old_end_ts != message_view_oldest.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts) {
old_end_ts = message_view_oldest.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts;
if (endcreated) {
std::cout << "CG: created view end ts with " << old_end_ts << "\n";
} else {
//std::cout << "CG: updated view end ts to " << old_end_ts << "\n";
// follow if at bottom (this is a frame delayed, but thats just how it works)
if (ImGui::GetScrollY() >= ImGui::GetScrollMaxY()) {
// has MessageText
void ChatGui4::renderMessageBodyText(Message3Registry& reg, const Message3 e) {
const auto& msgtext = reg.get<Message::Components::MessageText>(e).text;
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ class ChatGui4 : public ObjectStoreEventI {
void sendFileList(const std::vector<std::string_view>& list);
void renderChatLog(Contact4 c, bool window_focused, const std::vector<Contact4>* sub_contacts);
void renderMessageBodyText(Message3Registry& reg, const Message3 e);
void renderMessageBodyFile(Message3Registry& reg, const Message3 e);
void renderMessageExtra(Message3Registry& reg, const Message3 e);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user