QOI - The “Quite OK Image Format” for fast, lossless image compression
Single-file MIT licensed library for C/C++
See qoi.h for the documentation and format specification.
More info at https://qoiformat.org
Compared to stb_image and stb_image_write QOI offers 20x-50x faster encoding, 3x-4x faster decoding and 20% better compression. It's also stupidly simple and fits in about 300 lines of C.
Example Usage
- qoiconv.c converts between png <> qoi
- qoibench.c a simple wrapper to benchmark stbi, libpng and qoi
The QOI file format allows for huge images with up to 18 exa-pixels. A streaming en-/decoder can handle these with minimal RAM requirements, assuming there is enough storage space.
This particular implementation of QOI however is limited to images with a maximum size of 400 million pixels. It will safely refuse to en-/decode anything larger than that. This is not a streaming en-/decoder. It loads the whole image file into RAM before doing any work and is not extensively optimized for performance (but it's still very fast).
If this is a limitation for your use case, please look into any of the other implementations listed below.
- https://github.com/floooh/qoiview - native QOI viewer
- https://github.com/pfusik/qoi-ci/releases/tag/qoi-ci-1.1.1 - QOI Plugin installer for GIMP, Imagine, Paint.NET and XnView MP
- https://github.com/iOrange/QoiFileTypeNet/releases/tag/v0.2 - QOI Plugin for Paint.NET
- https://github.com/iOrange/QOIThumbnailProvider - Add thumbnails for QOI images in Windows Explorer
- https://github.com/Tom94/tev - another native QOI viewer (allows pixel peeping and comparison with other image formats)
- https://apps.apple.com/br/app/qoiconverterx/id1602159820 QOI <=> PNG converter available on the Mac App Store
- https://github.com/kaetemi/qoi-max - QOI Bitmap I/O Plugin for 3ds Max
- https://raylibtech.itch.io/rtexviewer - texture viewer, supports QOI
- https://raylibtech.itch.io/rtexpacker - texture packer, supports QOI
- https://github.com/DmitriySalnikov/godot_qoi - QOI GDNative Addon for Godot Engine
- https://gitlab.com/dan9er/farbfeld-convert-qoi - QOI <=> farbfeld converter
Implementations & Bindings of QOI
- https://github.com/pfusik/qoi-ci (Ć, transpiled to C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and Swift)
- https://github.com/kodonnell/qoi (Python)
- https://github.com/Cr4xy/lua-qoi (Lua)
- https://github.com/superzazu/SDL_QOI (C, SDL2 bindings)
- https://github.com/saharNooby/qoi-java (Java)
- https://github.com/MasterQ32/zig-qoi (Zig)
- https://github.com/rbino/qoix (Elixir)
- https://github.com/NUlliiON/QoiSharp (C#)
- https://github.com/aldanor/qoi-rust (Rust)
- https://github.com/zakarumych/rapid-qoi (Rust)
- https://github.com/takeyourhatoff/qoi (Go)
- https://github.com/DosWorld/pasqoi (Pascal)
- https://github.com/elihwyma/Swift-QOI (Swift)
- https://github.com/xfmoulet/qoi (Go)
- https://erratique.ch/software/qoic (OCaml)
- https://github.com/arian/go-qoi (Go)
- https://github.com/kchapelier/qoijs (JavaScript)
- https://github.com/KristofferC/QOI.jl (Julia)
- https://github.com/shadowMitia/libqoi/ (C++)
- https://github.com/MKCG/php-qoi (PHP)
- https://github.com/LightHouseSoftware/qoiformats (D)
- https://github.com/mhoward540/qoi-nim (Nim)
- https://github.com/wx257osn2/qoixx (C++)
- https://github.com/Tiefseetauchner/lr-paint (Processing)
- https://github.com/amstan/qoi-fpga (FPGA: verilog)
- https://github.com/musabkilic/qoi-decoder (Python)
- https://github.com/mathpn/py-qoi (Python)
- https://github.com/JohannesFriedrich/qoi4R (R)
- https://github.com/shraiwi/mini-qoi (C, streaming decoder)
QOI Support in Other Software
- SerenityOS supports decoding QOI system wide through a custom cpp implementation in LibGfx
- Raylib supports decoding and encoding QOI textures through its rtextures module
- Rebol3 supports decoding and encoding QOI using a native codec
- c-ray supports QOI natively
- SAIL image decoding library, supports decoding and encoding QOI images
- Orx 2D game engine, supports QOI natively
- IrfanView supports decoding and encoding QOI through its Formats plugin
- ImageMagick supports decoding and encoding QOI, since 7.1.0-20
- barebox bootloader, supports decoding QOI images for splash logo, since v2022.03.0
- KorGE & KorIM Kotlin 2D game engine and imaging library, supports decoding and encoding QOI natively since 2.7.0
- DOjS DOS JavaScript Canvas implementation supports loading QOI files
AUR - system-wide qoi.h, qoiconv and qoibench install as split packages.
Implementations not yet conforming to the final specification
These implementations are based on the pre-release version of QOI. Resulting files are not compatible with the current version.
- https://github.com/ChevyRay/qoi_rs (Rust)
- https://github.com/panzi/jsqoi (TypeScript)
- https://github.com/0xd34df00d/hsqoi (Haskell)