mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 14:02:46 +01:00
very experimental ledbat++ -ish cca
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
#include "./ledbat.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <deque>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cassert>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
_time_start_offset = clock::now();
{ // add some high delay values
// spec want +inf
size_t LEDBAT::canSend(void) const {
if (_in_flight.empty()) {
return 496u;
//const float time_since_last_sent {std::min(
//getTimeNow() - std::get<1>(_in_flight.back()),
//0.01f // 10ms max
//const float bps {std::min(
//(_cwnd / getCurrentDelay()),
const int64_t cspace = _cwnd - _in_flight_bytes;
if (cspace < 496) {
return 0u;
const int64_t fspace = _fwnd - _in_flight_bytes;
if (fspace < 496) {
return 0u;
size_t space = std::ceil(std::min(cspace, fspace) / 496.f) * 496.f;
// data size, no overhead
//const int64_t can_send_size {std::min<int64_t>(
//bps * time_since_last_sent - segment_overhead,
//maximum_segment_size - segment_overhead
//const int64_t can_send_size {static_cast<int64_t>(bps * time_since_last_sent - segment_overhead)};
//if (can_send_size < 100) {
//return 0;
//} else {
//return can_send_size;
return space;
void LEDBAT::onSent(SeqIDType seq, size_t data_size) {
if (true) {
for (const auto& it : _in_flight) {
assert(std::get<0>(it) != seq);
_in_flight.push_back({seq, getTimeNow(), data_size + segment_overhead});
_in_flight_bytes += data_size + segment_overhead;
_recently_sent_bytes += data_size + segment_overhead;
void LEDBAT::onAck(std::vector<SeqIDType> seqs) {
// only take the smallest value
float most_recent {-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()};
int64_t acked_data {0};
const auto now {getTimeNow()};
for (const auto& seq : seqs) {
auto it = std::find_if(_in_flight.begin(), _in_flight.end(), [seq](const auto& v) -> bool {
return std::get<0>(v) == seq;
if (it == _in_flight.end()) {
continue; // not found, ignore
} else {
addRTT(now - std::get<1>(*it));
// TODO: remove
most_recent = std::max(most_recent, std::get<1>(*it));
_in_flight_bytes -= std::get<2>(*it);
_recently_acked_data += std::get<2>(*it);
assert(_in_flight_bytes >= 0);
if (most_recent == -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) {
return; // not found, ignore
//addRTT(now - most_recent);
// update cto - no? we dont handle timeouts
void LEDBAT::onLoss(SeqIDType seq, bool discard) {
auto it = std::find_if(_in_flight.begin(), _in_flight.end(), [seq](const auto& v) -> bool {
return std::get<0>(v) == seq;
if (it == _in_flight.end()) {
// error
return; // not found, ignore ??
_recently_lost_data = true;
// at most once per rtt?
if (false) {
std::cerr << "CCA: onLoss: TIME: " << getTimeNow() << "\n";
// TODO: "if data lost is not to be retransmitted"
if (discard) {
_in_flight_bytes -= std::get<2>(*it);
assert(_in_flight_bytes >= 0);
float LEDBAT::getCurrentDelay(void) const {
float sum {0.f};
size_t count {0};
for (size_t i = 0; i < _tmp_rtt_buffer.size(); i++) {
//sum += _tmp_rtt_buffer.at(_tmp_rtt_buffer.size()-(1+i));
sum += _tmp_rtt_buffer.at(i);
if (count) {
return sum / count;
} else {
return std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
void LEDBAT::addRTT(float new_delay) {
auto now = getTimeNow();
_base_delay = std::min(_base_delay, new_delay);
// TODO: use fixed size instead? allocations can ruin perf
_rtt_buffer.push_back({now, new_delay});
if (_tmp_rtt_buffer.size() > current_delay_filter_window) {
// is it 1 minute yet
if (now - _rtt_buffer.front().first >= 30.f) {
float new_section_minimum = new_delay;
for (const auto it : _rtt_buffer) {
new_section_minimum = std::min(it.second, new_section_minimum);
if (_rtt_buffer_minutes.size() > 20) {
_base_delay = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
for (const float it : _rtt_buffer_minutes) {
_base_delay = std::min(_base_delay, it);
void LEDBAT::updateWindows(void) {
const auto now {getTimeNow()};
const float current_delay {getCurrentDelay()};
if (now - _last_cwnd >= current_delay) {
const float queuing_delay {current_delay - _base_delay};
_fwnd = max_byterate_allowed * getCurrentDelay();
_fwnd *= 1.3f; // try do balance conservative algo a bit, current_delay
//const float gain {1}; // TODO: move and increase
float gain {1.f / std::min(16.f, std::ceil(2.f*target_delay/_base_delay))};
//gain *= 400.f; // from packets to bytes ~
gain *= _recently_acked_data/10.f; // from packets to bytes ~
//gain *= 0.1f;
if (_recently_lost_data) {
_cwnd = std::clamp(
_cwnd / 2.f,
2.f * maximum_segment_size,
} else {
// LEDBAT++ (the Rethinking the LEDBAT Protocol paper)
// "Multiplicative decrease"
const float constant {2.f}; // spec recs 1
if (queuing_delay < target_delay) {
_cwnd += gain;
_cwnd = std::min(
_cwnd + gain,
} else if (queuing_delay > target_delay) {
_cwnd = std::clamp(
_cwnd + std::max( // TODO: where to put bytes_newly_acked
gain - constant * _cwnd * (queuing_delay / target_delay - 1.f),
-_cwnd/2.f // at most halve
// never drop below 2 "packets" in flight
//2.f * maximum_segment_size,
2.f * 496,
current_delay * max_byterate_allowed // cap rate
} // no else, we on point. very unlikely with float
if (false) { // plotting
std::cerr << std::fixed << "CCA: onAck: TIME: " << now << " cwnd: " << _cwnd << "\n";
std::cerr << std::fixed << "CCA: onAck: TIME: " << now << " fwnd: " << _fwnd << "\n";
std::cerr << std::fixed << "CCA: onAck: TIME: " << now << " current_delay: " << current_delay << "\n";
std::cerr << std::fixed << "CCA: onAck: TIME: " << now << " base_delay: " << _base_delay << "\n";
std::cerr << std::fixed << "CCA: onAck: TIME: " << now << " gain: " << gain << "\n";
std::cerr << std::fixed << "CCA: onAck: TIME: " << now << " speed: " << (_recently_sent_bytes / (now - _last_cwnd)) / (1024*1024) << "\n";
std::cerr << std::fixed << "CCA: onAck: TIME: " << now << " in_flight_bytes: " << _in_flight_bytes << "\n";
_last_cwnd = now;
_recently_acked_data = 0;
_recently_lost_data = false;
_recently_sent_bytes = 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
// LEDBAT: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6817
// LEDBAT++: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-irtf-iccrg-ledbat-plus-plus-01.txt
// LEDBAT++ implementation
struct LEDBAT {
public: // config
using SeqIDType = std::pair<uint8_t, uint16_t>; // tf_id, seq_id
static constexpr size_t IPV4_HEADER_SIZE {20};
static constexpr size_t IPV6_HEADER_SIZE {40}; // bru
static constexpr size_t UDP_HEADER_SIZE {8};
// TODO: tcp AND IPv6 will be different
static constexpr size_t segment_overhead {
4+ // ft overhead
46+ // tox?
static constexpr size_t maximum_segment_size {496 + segment_overhead}; // tox 500 - 4 from ft
static_assert(maximum_segment_size == 574); // mesured in wireshark
// ledbat++ says 60ms, we might need other values if relayed
const float target_delay {0.060f};
//const float target_delay {0.030f};
//const float target_delay {0.120f}; // 2x if relayed?
// TODO: use a factor for multiple of rtt
static constexpr size_t current_delay_filter_window {16*4*2};
//static constexpr size_t rtt_buffer_size_max {2000};
float max_byterate_allowed {10*1024*1024}; // 10MiB/s
//float max_byterate_allowed {2*1024*1024};
// return the current believed window in bytes of how much data can be inflight,
// without overstepping the delay requirement
float getCWnD(void) const {
return _cwnd;
// TODO: api for how much data we should send
// take time since last sent into account
// respect max_byterate_allowed
size_t canSend(void) const;
public: // callbacks
// data size is without overhead
void onSent(SeqIDType seq, size_t data_size);
void onAck(std::vector<SeqIDType> seqs);
// if discard, not resent, not inflight
void onLoss(SeqIDType seq, bool discard);
using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
// make values relative to algo start for readability (and precision)
// get timestamp in seconds
float getTimeNow(void) const {
return std::chrono::duration<float>{clock::now() - _time_start_offset}.count();
// moving avg over the last few delay samples
// VERY sensitive to bundling acks
float getCurrentDelay(void) const;
void addRTT(float new_delay);
void updateWindows(void);
private: // state
//float _cto {2.f}; // congestion timeout value in seconds
float _cwnd {2.f * maximum_segment_size}; // in bytes
float _base_delay {2.f}; // lowest mesured delay in _rtt_buffer in seconds
float _last_cwnd {0.f}; // timepoint of last cwnd correction
int64_t _recently_acked_data {0}; // reset on _last_cwnd
bool _recently_lost_data {false};
int64_t _recently_sent_bytes {0};
// initialize to low value, will get corrected very fast
float _fwnd {0.01f * max_byterate_allowed}; // in bytes
// ssthresh
// spec recomends 10min
// TODO: optimize and devide into spans of 1min (spec recom)
std::deque<float> _tmp_rtt_buffer;
std::deque<std::pair<float, float>> _rtt_buffer; // timepoint, delay
std::deque<float> _rtt_buffer_minutes;
// list of sequence ids and timestamps of when they where sent
std::deque<std::tuple<SeqIDType, float, size_t>> _in_flight;
int64_t _in_flight_bytes {0};
private: // helper
clock::time_point _time_start_offset;
@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
#include "ngc_ext.hpp"
#include "./ledbat.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <deque>
@ -11,6 +14,7 @@
#include <optional>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
struct SendSequenceBuffer {
struct SSBEntry {
@ -114,6 +118,8 @@ struct NGC_FT1 {
struct Group {
struct Peer {
struct RecvTransfer {
uint32_t file_kind;
std::vector<uint8_t> file_id;
@ -240,7 +246,9 @@ void NGC_FT1_iterate(Tox *tox, NGC_FT1* ngc_ft1_ctx, float time_delta) {
tf.ssb.for_each(time_delta, [&](uint16_t id, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, float& time_since_activity) {
// no ack after 5 sec -> resend
if (time_since_activity >= ngc_ft1_ctx->options.sending_resend_without_ack_after) {
// TODO: can fail
_send_pkg_FT1_DATA(tox, group_number, peer_number, idx, id, data.data(), data.size());
peer.cca.onLoss({idx, id}, false);
time_since_activity = 0.f;
@ -249,6 +257,12 @@ void NGC_FT1_iterate(Tox *tox, NGC_FT1* ngc_ft1_ctx, float time_delta) {
// no ack after 30sec, close ft
// TODO: notify app
fprintf(stderr, "FT: warning, sending ft in progress timed out, deleting\n");
// clean up cca
tf.ssb.for_each(time_delta, [&](uint16_t id, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, float& time_since_activity) {
peer.cca.onLoss({idx, id}, true);
continue; // dangerous control flow
@ -256,11 +270,23 @@ void NGC_FT1_iterate(Tox *tox, NGC_FT1* ngc_ft1_ctx, float time_delta) {
// if chunks in flight < window size (2)
while (tf.ssb.size() < ngc_ft1_ctx->options.packet_window_size) {
//while (tf.ssb.size() < ngc_ft1_ctx->options.packet_window_size) {
int64_t can_packet_size {peer.cca.canSend()};
//if (can_packet_size) {
//std::cerr << "FT: can_packet_size: " << can_packet_size;
size_t count {0};
while (can_packet_size > 0 && tf.file_size > 0) {
std::vector<uint8_t> new_data;
// TODO: parameterize packet size? -> only if JF increases lossy packet size >:)
size_t chunk_size = std::min<size_t>(496u, tf.file_size - tf.file_size_current);
//size_t chunk_size = std::min<size_t>(496u, tf.file_size - tf.file_size_current);
//size_t chunk_size = std::min<size_t>(can_packet_size, tf.file_size - tf.file_size_current);
size_t chunk_size = std::min<size_t>({
tf.file_size - tf.file_size_current
if (chunk_size == 0) {
tf.state = State::FINISHING;
break; // we done
@ -278,13 +304,19 @@ void NGC_FT1_iterate(Tox *tox, NGC_FT1* ngc_ft1_ctx, float time_delta) {
uint16_t seq_id = tf.ssb.add(std::move(new_data));
_send_pkg_FT1_DATA(tox, group_number, peer_number, idx, seq_id, tf.ssb.entries.at(seq_id).data.data(), tf.ssb.entries.at(seq_id).data.size());
peer.cca.onSent({idx, seq_id}, chunk_size);
#if defined(EXTRA_LOGGING) && EXTRA_LOGGING == 1
fprintf(stderr, "FT: sent data size: %ld (seq %d)\n", chunk_size, seq_id);
tf.file_size_current += chunk_size;
can_packet_size -= chunk_size;
//if (count) {
//std::cerr << " split over " << count << "\n";
case State::FINISHING: // we still have unacked packets
@ -292,6 +324,7 @@ void NGC_FT1_iterate(Tox *tox, NGC_FT1* ngc_ft1_ctx, float time_delta) {
// no ack after 5 sec -> resend
if (time_since_activity >= ngc_ft1_ctx->options.sending_resend_without_ack_after) {
_send_pkg_FT1_DATA(tox, group_number, peer_number, idx, id, data.data(), data.size());
peer.cca.onLoss({idx, id}, false);
time_since_activity = 0.f;
@ -299,6 +332,12 @@ void NGC_FT1_iterate(Tox *tox, NGC_FT1* ngc_ft1_ctx, float time_delta) {
// no ack after 30sec, close ft
// TODO: notify app
fprintf(stderr, "FT: warning, sending ft finishing timed out, deleting\n");
// clean up cca
tf.ssb.for_each(time_delta, [&](uint16_t id, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, float& time_since_activity) {
peer.cca.onLoss({idx, id}, true);
@ -828,12 +867,15 @@ static void _handle_FT1_DATA_ACK(
transfer.time_since_activity = 0.f;
std::vector<LEDBAT::SeqIDType> seqs;
while (curser < length) {
uint16_t seq_id = data[curser++];
seq_id |= data[curser++] << (1*8);
seqs.push_back({transfer_id, seq_id});
// delete if all packets acked
if (transfer.file_size == transfer.file_size_current && transfer.ssb.size() == 0) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user