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Screen Director

Orchistrates Screens.

The Screen Director lets you define "States"(Screens) which activate/deactivate MM::Services on Entering and Leaving the Screen.


The current implementation is very open and does not really use encapsulation ...

Adding Screens

Due to the open nature of this implementation, one does access members directly:

auto& my_screen = screen_director.screens["my_screen"];

// filling in start_disable, start_enable, start_provide, end_disable and end_enable
// and optionally start_fn and end_fn which are called upon entering and leaving the screen.
// [...]

Changing to a Screen

Changing to a Screen can either be done on call with .changeScreenTo(engine, "my_screen_id") or qued via .queueChangeScreenTo("my_screen"). The former should only be used when the Engine is not running or in a fixedDeferUpdate.

Service Enablement

Enabling the ScreenDirector causes a queued Screen to be started.