FILE BOT - Share files with friends and family using Tox
Supported OS:
- Windows
- Linux
- Download and install latest Python 2.7
- Download file bot
- Unpack archive
- Download latest libtox.dll build, download latest libsodium.a build, put it into libs\
- Run app:
python path_to_profile
- Download file bot
- Unpack archive
- Install toxcore in your system
- Run app:
python path_to_profile
help - list of commands rights - get access rights files - show list of files (get access) stats - downloads statistics (get access) id - get bot's id (get access) share <ToxID> <file_name> - send file to friend (get access) share --all <file_name> - send file to all friends (get access) size <file_name> - get size of file (get access) get <file_name> - get file with specified filename (get access) del <file_name> - remove file with specified filename (delete access) rename <file_name> --new <new_file_name> - rename file (delete access) user <ToxID> <rights> - new rights (example: rwdm) for user (masters only) status <new_status> - new status message (masters only) name <new_name> - new name (masters only) message <ToxID> <message_text> - send message to friend (masters only) message --all <message_text> - send message to all friends (masters only)